Accelerating HMI of Things with STM32 & new X-Cube-TouchGFX workshop


Join our hands-on workshop and put theory into practice to learn how the STM32 family of MCUs and its ecosystem can help you develop stunning Graphical User Interfaces in a seamless and efficient way


Learn how to address changing trends in user expectations of modern graphical HMIs for embedded applications with STM32 solutions and our ecosystem for Graphical User Interfaces.

Many practical examples implementing TouchGFX frameworks and the latest X-CUBE-TouchGFX expansion pack will be demonstrated.

This workshop is ideal for developers of embedded applications with integrated graphical HMI.

Main benefits

  • Discover STM32 solutions which answer the needs for HMI implementations in embedded designs
  • Be provided with insights on the free TouchGFX framework for STM32 MCUs
  • Gain strong practical experience of TouchGFX Designer, STM32CubeMX, new X-Cube TouchGFX software and STM32CubeIDE on real HMI use cases
  • All attendees will take home a complimentary STM32H7B3I discovery kit which will be used throughout the workshop

Registration information

Registration for this workshop is closed

Workshop agenda

08:30 - 09:00 Registration and system check for pre-installed tools
09:00 - 09:10 Workshop start and introduction
09:10 - 09:50 Hands-on : First GUI on STM32H7B-DK in few clicks using the TouchGFX Designer
09:50 - 10:10 Overview of STM32 products and ecosystem for Graphical User Interfaces
10:10 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 11:30 TouchGFX framework
11:30 - 12:30 STM32 MCUs for GUIs
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:15 Hands-on : Starting a new GUI project using STM32CubeMX software and the new TouchGFX Generator
14:15 - 15:00 Hands-on : Creating GUI in TouchGFX Designer and its customization on the selected IDE
15:00 - 15:15 Break
15:15 - 16:45 Hands-on : Completing the project with further application functionalities
16:45 - 17:00 Q&A, workshop closure


Nicolas Santini

An essential member of our STM32 support team, Nicolas  joined ST in 2012 as a software engineer on Imaging applications for Android devices. Today, Nicolas dedicates his time to graphic-related topics from display connections to software graphical libraries on STM32-based systems.

Jiri Vlcek

Jiri is an Application Engineer in STM32 support team and is focused on High performance applications including graphics solutions. Jiri joined ST in 2016 and previously studied at Czech Technical University in Prague.

Locations and dates

Location Date Status
Paris, France   REPLACED BY AN ONLINE SESSION Tuesday, 28th April 2020 Closed
Stuttgart, Germany   REPLACED BY AN ONLINE SESSION Thursday, 30th April 2020 Closed
Aarhus, Denmark   REPLACED BY AN ONLINE SESSION Wednesday, 6th May 2020 Closed
Tuesday, 19th May 2020
Milan, Italy   REPLACED BY AN ONLINE SESSION Tuesday, 26th May 2020 Closed
Milan, Italy   REPLACED BY AN ONLINE SESSION Wednesday, 27th May 2020 Closed