Practical design tips to optimize stepper motor designs with ST digital motion engine drivers webinar

Practical design tips to optimize stepper motor designs with ST digital motion engine drivers webinar

Meet our application experts and learn how to optimize your next stepper motor control design. Experience superior smoothness and high accuracy using intuitive control commands, thanks to the digital motion engine approach. 

A quantum leap for ST, the digital core integrated in our stepper motor drivers allows users to select motion profiles with acceleration, deceleration, speed or target position via an SPI interface and a dedicated register set.

Join us May 19th at 12 noon CDT

Listen to a 1-hour webinar on ST’s integrated driver ICs for stepper motors with a specific focus on the digital motion engine approach, an innovative architecture that eases the design and control of motors through high-level SPI commands. 

You will learn:

  • how the digital motion engine core allows users to select motion profiles with acceleration, deceleration, speed or target position via an SPI interface and a dedicated register set
  • how to distinguish between various features of stepper motor drivers along with their advantages/disadvantages 
  • ideas on how to test and improve various system-level characteristics 

Application experts will be available to answer your questions directly online.  

Click here to register for our webinar now!

Webinar Agenda (CDT)

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
• Introduction 
• Advantages and benefits of using ST’s digital motion engine drivers
• Tips for selecting the right digital motion engine driver for your application
• Tools available from ST for getting started on your next design

12:45 PM – 1:00 PM
• Q&A session


ST’s stepper motor drivers provide a level of smoothness and profile precision never experienced before

Designing motor control applications becomes much easier with the outstanding performance, features and support of ST’s complete portfolio of motor drivers.

Stepper motor control takes a quantum leap thanks to the latest STSPINdigital and powerSTEP motor drivers featuring a digital core with a resolution up to 1/128 microsteps and user-defined digital motion profiles with acceleration, deceleration, speed or target position that are easily programmable through an SPI interface and a dedicated register set.