IEDM 2021

IEDM 2021 – 67th International Electron Devices Meeting


DATE: 11-15 December, in-person conference
Hilton San Francisco Union Square – San Francisco, California
On-demand content available as of December 17


Conference website

Register HereEarly bird registrations end on November 22


Join ST at IEDM 2021! The conference this year includes 38 technical sessions with over 200 speakers. ST's experts will talk about innovations in the areas of Silicon Photonics, FD-SOI and image sensors.  

The “1.62µm Global Shutter Quantum Dot Image Sensor Optimized for Near and Shortwave Infrared” paper presented by J. Steckel was highlighted by IEDM official conference press release in August.  

Date Time (PST)


Speaker or co-authors
Dec. 14 9:05 am 

Session 13-1 
18nm FDSOI Technology Platform embedding PCM & Innovative Continuous-Active Construct Enhancing Performance for Leading-Edge MCU Applications 

For the first time in the industry, 18nm FDSOI technology platform meeting the performance target for next MCU is presented showing good yield in 64Mb SRAM array including ultra low leakage bitcell with Iret < 1pA, passed 500hrs HTOL for all SRAM bitcells, passed WLR for TGO and co-integrated ePCM.
O. Weber, A. Villaret, E. Vandenbossche, F. Arnaud, E. Bernard, S. Elghouli, C. Boccaccio, L. Favennec, R. Gonella, J. Galvier (ST co-authors) 
Dec. 14 4:00 pm 

Session 23-4 
1.62µm Global Shutter Quantum Dot Image Sensor Optimized for Near and Shortwave Infrared 

We have developed a 1.62µm pixel pitch global shutter sensor optimized for imaging in the NIR and SWIR. This breakthrough was made possible through the use of our colloidal quantum Dot thin film technology. We have scaled up this new platform technology to our 300mm manufacturing toolset
J. Steckel (ST presenter) 
Dec. 15 9:05 am

Session 28-1 
Heater system optimization for robust ePCM reliability and scalability in 28nm FDSOI technology 

Optimization of Heater system in ePCM realized with 28nm FDSOI technology is reported in this

paper. ePCM reliability, considering retention and endurance, is characterized. The key role played by Heater is demonstrated. Finally, TiSiN ALD deposition process is proposed as the solution to improve uniformity and scalability of Heater resistance.

R. Ranica (ST presenter) 
Dec. 15 9:30 am 

Session 29-2 - INVITED 
Silicon Photonics Beyond Optical Interconnects  

In this paper we present the use of a 300mm Si-Photonic platform for applications beyond the datacommunication. ufBeam steering and beam shaping for freespace-optics and hybrid III-V/Si optical switch for computing applications are discussed.
F. Boeuf (ST presenter)