ISGW 2017
7-10 March, 2017
Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi, India
Website: Click here
INDIA SMART GRID WEEK (ISGW 2017) is an International Conference cum Exhibition on Smart Grids and Smart Cities
The event brings together India's leading Electric Utilities, Policy Makers, Regulators, Investors and world's top-notch Smart Grid and Smart City Experts and Researchers to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase next generation technologies and products. It is supported by the ministries of Power, New and Renewable Energy, External Affairs, DoT and DST as well as several international organizations such as IEC, IEEE, ISGAN, CIGRE, UKTI, US Chamber of Commerce, GSGF, USTDA, European Commission etc.
STMicroelectronics is participating second time based on positive response from the customers and interest shown by Government authorities ; received from ISGW 2016. Key objective is to use the Expo to showcase ST?s latest product solutions for Smart City and highlight company's' strong foothold and most comprehensive experience and knowledge of eco-system for Grid Monitoring.