Sigfox World IoT Expo
Forum Karlín | Prague, Czech Republic
September 26, 2017
Buy your ticket now and use our discount code STM40 to save 40%!
Sigfox World IoT Expo will gather more than 100 exhibitors and 1000 participants from all over the world. From semiconductors, module and device makers, developers, design houses to system integrators, distributors and many others, the whole Sigfox community will be able to interact and share IoT experiences for the first time in one place.
Sigfox World IoT Expo will also tackle key societal challenges such as smart cities and smart territories, connected health, environment and many others with makers workshops, conferences and inspiring keynote speeches from various players.
ST will showcase leading products and solutions to enable Sigfox technology:
A Complete product portfolio for Sigfox applications
- S2-LP sub-1Ghz transceiver
- “Top-notch RF performances and unparalleled energy efficiency” (source:
- Low power consumption at +14dBm
- No external TCXO (RCZ1/2/4) needed
- Certifiable for +16dBm output power
- Ultra-low-power STM32 MCUs
- Cortex-M4/M3/M0+
- Cortex-M0 & BLE (BlueNRG-1)
- Balun BALF-SPI2-01D3
- Integrates matching network and harmonics filter
- Matching impedance customized for the ST S2-LP transceiver
- STSAFE-A1SX secure element
- Plug-and-play Sigfox Ready™ solution
- Ensure data integrity and confidentiality while connected to the Sigfox network
Fully certified development kits for worldwide coverage
- STEVAL-FKI868V1 Evaluation kit
- RCZ1 Sigfox certification
- STEVAL-FKI915V1 Evaluation kit
- RCZ2 and RCZ4 Sigfox certification (915Mhz + External PA)
Dedicated Software Development Kits
- STSW-S2LP-DK SDK for Sub1GHz applications
- S2-LP Sigfox Demo GUI PC application with graphical user interface
- Code example for Sigfox application development
- Sigfox official libraries for Cortex-M4/M3/M0 and Cortex-M0+
- STSW-BNRG-S2LP SDK for BLE-Sub1GHz dual radio applications
- BLE-Sub1GHz Dual Radio Navigator PC application
- BLE-Sub1GHz Dual Radio demonstrations applications supporting BlueNRG-1 and S2-LP kits
- ST-Sigfox Library for ARM® Cortex® -M0 and adaptation layer for the BlueNRG-1
- S2-LP Library and adaptation layer for BlueNRG-1
ST will also showcase the “Smart Parking” demonstration, a Sigfox IoT Node application based on the ST solution.
Finally several module makers will showcase either on STMicroelectronics booth or on their own booth, a complete portfolio of Sigfox enabled modules based on S2-LP and BlueNRG-1.