tinyML EMEA Innovation Forum 2022

tinyML EMEA Innovation Forum 2022
Date: 10-12 October
Where: Grand Resort
Limassol, Cyprus

Go to the tinyML Foundation website and register here.
Full schedule is here


Sensors and actuators with their resource-constrained processing and connectivity functions, are scaling across a wide variety of application areas: industrial, medical and healthcare, transportation, consumer and personal devices, urban management, and robotics.

Today, sensors are generating an unprecedented amount of information, and sending data to the cloud as raw data for centralized intelligent processing requires a lot of energy. For a more sustainable future, the solution is to distribute and deploy tiny Machine Learning techniques at the sensor and actuation level.

tinyML is a fast-growing field of Machine Learning technologies and applications. It includes tools, hardware, algorithms, and software capable of performing on-device sensor data analytics using extremely low power, enabling many always-on use cases and targeting battery-operated devices.

To address these applications, the tinyML community, which began in 2018, now includes several hundreds of companies and universities across the world. Together we are developing Machine Learning algorithms, architectures, techniques, tools, and system approaches enabling on-device analytics for a variety of sensors (vision, audio, motion, environment, chemical, and more) at a power range below the mW level required for always-on and battery-operated devices.

Since 2019, STMicroelectronics has been actively contributing to the tinyML community and continues to provide outstanding support as a Strategic Partner and Gold Sponsor. This year again, ST joins the EMEA Forum with:

  • a speech from Danilo Pau, Technical Director, IEEE and ST Fellow at STMicroelectronics
  • a poster session on in-sensor tinyML solutions improving vehicle efficiency and safety
  • several demonstrations of our innovative products and technologies in the exhibition hall

Join us and contribute to the development of tiny Machine Learning!

Conference agenda – ST sessions at the FOTUM – 10-12 October

Date Time (PST) Title Speakers
12 October From 15:15 On Device Learning – Part I Session Moderator Danilo Pau
12 October From 15:15 On Device Learning – Part I
A framework of algorithms and associated tool for on-device tiny learning
Danilo Pau
ST presenter
12 October From 16:15 On Device Learning – Part II Session Moderator Danilo Pau
11 October
12 March

Poster session
In-sensor tinyML solutions improve vehicle efficiency and safety

Michele Ferraina
ST presenters

Demonstrations at the ST booth