InnovationFair 2024




  • STM32L4 Discovery IoT Kit (B-L475E-IOT01A) will be used for the competition and ST will provide one kit to each shortlisted team.
  • A team can have a maximum of four students led by a faculty member of an Indian University. A faculty member may lead more than one team with different team members.
  • ST will organize information session/s about the Model Zoo and share the links to relevant documents, repositories, and guidelines for submission. The date, time and link for the webinar will be shared with all who express their interest to participate at
  • Support on getting started with ST tools will be provided based on the requests.
  • ST will have the ownership of the ideas submitted in the InnovationFair–2024 competition.


  • Teams wishing to participate in the InnovationFair 2024 should write to expressing their intent to participate. Any communication with ST should include all members of the team in copy.
  • Participating teams will submit a presentation and video of the working model. Various components of submission are:
    • AI model (.H5, .tflite, or .onnx)
    • Workspace of running application
    • PowerPoint presentation (max. 5 slides) about the application.
    • Details of any additional hardware boards used as companions to the kit provided by STMicroelectronics.
    • Training datasets used / created.
    • Any other relevant information, references, etc.
  • Submission guidelines will be communicated separately to the requesting teams and valid submissions will be acknowledged. All teams completing the submissions as per the guidelines will be awarded a certificate of participation.


  • The top 20 teams will be invited to present their working ideas at ST Greater Noida
  • The top ideas presented during InnovationFair–2024 will be awarded as:
    • One 1st Prize: 1000 USD
    • Two 2nd Prizes: 500 USD each
    • Four 3rd Prizes: 250 USD each

For any queries, please write to with subject line “InnovationFair-2024”