STSPIN Designing for small motors with 1.8V driver ICs webinar 2016

Learn how to overcome design challenges when running motors from a battery or low-voltage input.

Meet our application engineers and learn how to select the right products and solutions for your next low-voltage motor control designs, including battery-operated ones. 

The STSPIN220, STSPIN230, and STSPIN240 ICs are optimized to deliver low noise, minimal power consumption and standby mode of operation along with extreme position accuracy and motion smoothness with up to 256 micro-steps.

Join us September 15th at 12 noon CDT

Participate in a 1-hour webinar on ST’s integrated driver ICs for motor control with a specific focus on systems requiring low voltage and low quiescent current.

You will learn:

  • how to quickly develop a prototype
  • how to overcome design challenges when running motors from a battery or low-voltage input 
  • how to design motor control solutions with minimal space/height requirements
  • ideas on how to test and improve various system-level characteristics
  • about available evaluation boards and supporting software

Application engineers will be available to answer your questions directly online.  

There is no charge to participate in this event, but you must register through

If you already have a account, REGISTER NOW.

If you do not have a myST account, click here to create your account and register.


12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
•  Introduction 
•  Benefits of using STSpin integrated motor driver ICs
•  Design tips for optimizing STSpin solutions  
•  Tools available from ST for getting started on your next design

12:45 PM – 1:00 PM
•  Q&A session


ST’s motor drivers provide a level of smoothness and profile precision never experienced before.

ST, a pioneer in the field of motor and motion control, offers a wide range of motor drivers covering the requirements of brushed DC motors, stepper motors and brushless DC motors over an extensive range of voltage and current ratings.

Our line-up of STSPIN motor drivers embeds all the functions needed to drive motors efficiently and with the highest accuracy. These drivers include an advanced motion profile generator to relieve the host microcontroller, while ensuring robustness and reliability thanks to a comprehensive set of protection and diagnostic features.