- VN750PS-E High side driver
- VN5160S-E Single channel high side drive for automotive applications
- VND9025AJ Double channel high-side driver with current sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VNQ9080AJ Quad channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5050AJ-E Single channel high side driver
- VN5E050J-E Single channel high side driver for automotive applications
- VN7007AH High side driver with current sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7007ALH High side driver with current sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5E016AFH-E 16 mOhm high-side driver with analog current sense
- VND5E012MY-E Double channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VNQ9025AJ Quad channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND5E050MCK-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND9016AJ Double channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND9012AJ Double channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND5E050ACK-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN9016AJ Single channel high-side driver with current sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND5E050MCJ-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5050J-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense
- VN820-E High Side Driver
- VN800PS-E High-side driver
- VND5160AJ-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN5E016AH-E 16 mΩ high-side driver with analog current sense
- VND5004ASP30-E Double 4mOhm high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN7004SLH High-side driver with CurrentSense analog feedback for Seat Heating automotive applications
- VNQ7040AY Quad channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7016AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7140AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND7050AJ Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback
- VNQ7E100AJ Quad channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND7E050AJ Double-channel HSD with Current Sense analog feedback
- VN7140AS Single-channel HSD with analog current sense
- VNQ5027AK-E Quad channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN7040AS High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7010AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND7012AY Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback
- VND7020AJ Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7050AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND7030AJ Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND5E004A-E Double 4 mOhm high-side driver with analog current sense
- VND5E006ASP-E Double channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VNQ500 Quad channel high-side driver
- VNQ7050AJ Quad-channel HSD with analog current sense
- VN7140AS12 Single-channel HSD with analog current sense
- VND7140AJ Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback
- VND7040AJ Double-channel HSD with MultiSense analog feedback
- VND5E025BK-E Double channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VNQ7140AJ Quad channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7016AJEP High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7003AH High-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5E160MS-E Single-channel high-side driver with analog for automotive applications
- VND5160J-E Double channel high side driver for automotive applications
- VN7050AS High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive application
- VN7040AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7020AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive application
- VN5016AJ-E Single channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5050AK-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VNQ5E250AJ-E Standard Functions, High Side Switches
- VNQ5E160AK-E Quad channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND7004AY Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7008AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback
- VN7004CH High-side driver with CurrentSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND5E025AK-E Double channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN7004CLH High-side driver with CurrentSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5E160S-E Single channel high side driver for automotive applications
- VND7E040AJ Double-channel HSD with Current Sense analog feedback
- VND5050AJ-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense
- VND5004A-E Double 4mOhm high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN5E025AJ-E Single channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN5E050AJ-E Single channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5E160AJ-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN5012AK-E Single channel high side switch
- VND5E160J-E Double channel high side driver for automotive applications
- VNQ5050K-E Quad channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN750-E High Side Driver
- VND9008AJ Double channel high-side driver with current sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VPS2535H Double channel high-side driver with analog current sense
- VND5E025AY-E Double-channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN7003ALH Single channel 3 mOhm High-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5050J-E Single channel high side driver for automotive applications
- VN7000AY High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VNQ5050AK-E Quad channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive application
- VNQ5E160K-E Quad channel high side driver for automotive applications
- VND7050AJ12 Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback
- VND7140AJ12 Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback
- VN5E010MH-E Single-channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5E160MJ-E Double-channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN5E160AS-E Single channel high side driver with analog for automotive applications
- VND5E008AY-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN9012AJ Single channel high-side driver with current sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN9008AJ Single channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN9006AJ Single channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5E010AH 10 milliohm high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5E025MK-E Double-channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VNQ5160K-E Quad channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5E050ACJ-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VNQ5E050AK-E Quad channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VND5012AK-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN9004AJ Single channel high-side driver with Current Sense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN5E006ASP-E Single channel high-side driver with analog current sense for automotive applications
- VN5025AJ-E Single channel high side driver
- VND7E025AJ Double channel high-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VN7E010AJ High-side driver with MultiSense analog feedback for automotive applications
- VND5025AK-E Double channel high side driver with analog current sense
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