Point One Navigation specializes in building precise location services with accuracy down to a few centimeters at a cost 100x less than existing solutions. Even in challenging environments, where competing products fail, Point One’s sensor fusion, RTK network, and signal management deliver consistent accurate location, enabling customers to operate with a high degree of confidence.
Point One was founded in 2016 by Aaron Nathan and a group of engineers, scientists, and designers who recognized that existing location solutions were too expensive, hard to integrate with, and could not be applied to emerging highly demanding applications such as Autonomous Driving and Robotics. The company’s goal is to make highly accurate location available as a primitive to product developers, unlocking a whole new class of applications that move autonomy and industry forward.
In 2021, the company launched the Polaris nationwide RTK network in the US (expanded in 2023 to EU, AU) and Sensor Fusion products, which allowed for any developer with a compatible GNSS chipset to access cm-accurate location. Our network hardware and software is all first-party owned and designed for real-time use, increasing the reliability of the service.
Point One’s positioning software product suite is compatible with the TeseoV GNSS chipset, including:
- Polaris RTK Network: Provides RTK corrections anywhere in the world — no base station required. Point One built the Polaris network from the ground up — it manages over 1440+ base stations across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia and more.
- Sensor Fusion Algorithms: Fuses inputs from your IMU, GNSS, wheel odometry, and other sensors to produce a highly reliable location, even in GNSS-challenged environments.
Point One also produces positioning hardware packages with ST hardware that make it easy to determine precise location, including:
- Point One Development Kit: The Standard Dev Kit is a cost effective entry point into high precision positioning that also provides a direct path to mass production.
- Point One Atlas INS: Point One’s standalone reference-quality position and navigation system, also known as the Point One Atlas system.
The Point One Polaris Network has literally been built with ST hardware throughout. You will find ST microcontrollers and GNSS units in our base stations and in our development kits. Put simply, ST hardware makes our network possible.
We have created an easy path to production/scale for any customer that is using ST TeseoV GNSS modules. Point One has made it possible for TeseoV products to seamlessly use the Polaris RTK Corrections Network and Sensor Fusion algorithms. This market-proven solution is easy to integrate, with best-in-class developer tools and a GraphQL API, unlocking applications in the automotive, robotics, logistics, precision agriculture, and surveying.
• 開発ボード
• 組込み用ソフトウェア
• グローバル・サービス
• ST製品搭載デバイス
231 6th St., CA 94103, San Francisco, California, United States
Aaron Nathan
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Point One Standard Dev Kit | High Precision RTK GNSS Positioning Module | STM32F7 series STA9100MGA STA8100GA STA8135GA LSM6DSM ASM330LHH |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
FusionEngine Positioning Engine | High precision positioning engine for TeseoV | STM32F7 series STA9100MGA STA8100GA STA8135GA LSM6DSM ASM330LHH |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Polaris Precise Positioning Network | Polaris is a highly accurate, highly available corrections service for GNSS. With coverage in the US, Europe, and Australia, Polaris makes it easy to get cm-accurate location for your TeseoV device | STM32F7 series STA9100MGA STA8100GA STA8135GA LSM6DSM ASM330LHH |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Atlas | High Precision Reference Unit | STM32F7 series STA9100MGA STA8100GA STA8135GA LSM6DSM ASM330LHH |
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