SensiEDGE lowers the barriers to entry for designers developing IoT solutions.
The SensiEDGE off-the-shelf IoT module integrates sensors, microcontroller, RF communication, and power management ICs. It simplifies and reduces development time and cost. The IoT System-on-Modules (SoM) Bluetooth® Low Energy, proprietary Sub-1 GHz, LoRa and Sigfox enables sensors connectivity to the cloud, packed into a tiny form factor.
SensiEDGE's gateways, which include Bluetooth® Low Energy, Wi-Fi, 6LoWPAN, LoRa, and LTE, simplify cloud connectivity.
SensiEDGE's certified "hardware-ready" & software package solutions optimizes the ease of building new IoT Products.

• コンサル & 開発サービス
• ST製品搭載デバイス
Moshe Shamir 3, Petah-Tikva, Israel
Milan Yudkovich
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
SensiEDGE customization services | End-to-end development services: Hardware, Firmware, Software development, Enclosure, Cloud and mobile APPs | Pressure sensors e-Compasses iNEMO-inertial modules Accelerometers Gyroscopes Temperature sensors Bluetooth Low Energy application processors Proprietary Sub-1 GHz products STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
SensiBLE | Certified Bluetooth® low energy master/slave network Process Reador module, compliant with Bluetooth v4.1. | Sensing Functions Pressure sensors e-Compasses iNEMO-inertial modules Temperature sensors VL53L0X BlueNRG-MS STM32 ultra low power MCUs |
SensiSUB | End-to-end solution for LPWAN enabling cloud connectivity to sensor data over a long range Sub-1 GHz star network | LIS3MDL LPS25HB LSM6DS3TR-C STM32L4 series |
SensiBLE 2.0 | Low power single core (SOC) system-on-chip with 32MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 CPU, and Certified Bluetooth low energy (BLE) v4.2 | LIS3MDL LPS25HB LSM6DS3TR-C |
SensiBLE 2.1 | Low power single core (SOC) system-on-chip with 32MHz 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M0 MCU, Certified Bluetooth low energy (BLE) v5.2. | LIS3MDL LPS25HB LSM6DS3TR-C STM32L4 series |
SensiLoRa 2.0 | Wearable LoRa Sensor Plug & Play SoM | Battery management Ics Pressure sensors e-Compasses iNEMO-inertial modules Accelerometers Gyroscopes Temperature sensors ESD protection STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
SensiGFOX 2.0 | Wearable Sigfox Sensor Plug & Play SoM | Pressure sensors Battery chargers e-Compasses iNEMO-inertial modules Accelerometers Gyroscopes Temperature sensors ESD protection STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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