CommScope PKI Center™ is the security solutions and services business unit of CommScope, a global supplier of networking equipment and devices with an annual revenue of $8 billion. Serving leading network operators, enterprises, and consumers worldwide, CommScope offers a distinct perspective on the needs of device manufacturers.
Leveraging their unique combination of skills in PKI management and device security, CommScope PKI Center™ offer comprehensive device-centric security services that enable end-to-end security from devices to networks, and from manufacturing to deployment, throughout the entire lifecycle. As one of the world's largest issuers of device credentials and providers of software authentication services, they have delivered and managed over six billion keys and certificates and facilitated over forty-five million software signing transactions over a 30-year history.
Products or Services of CommScope PKI Center™
CommScope PKI Center™ brings this experience to STMicroelectronics device manufacturers allowing them to take full advantage of industry-leading security services without the need for lengthy investments in building internal security expertise and infrastructure. CommScope PKI Center’s collaboration with STMicroelectronics enables device suppliers to do the following:
- Create customizable product/application-specific Root of Trust for devices.
- Provide code signing and encryption services for device software authentication, using FIPS 140-2 Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to protect signing and encryption keys.
- Automate device provisioning in factories, tailored to a wide range of manufacturing processes.
- Automate device provisioning using proven over-the-air solutions to update fielded devices.
- Provide secure device onboarding with leading cloud service providers - Azure, AWS, and a wide range of public and private cloud services using standard protocols such as FDO.
- Manage device credential and certificate lifecycle: status monitoring and reporting, authorization, auto-renewal and rotation as well as revocation.
CommScope in STMicroelectronics ecosystem
CommScope’s provisioning client is fully integrated with ST’s STM32 Microcontroller Unit (MCU), connecting securely to CommScope's security platform for device credentials provisioning. This pre-integrated solution simplifies device credential provisioning and accelerates production launch, enabling them to achieve top-tier security and production efficiency in the manufacturing environment.
This integration utilizes CommScope’s extensive experience in embedding cryptographic keys and digital certificates into manufacturing at scale, combined with ST’s expertise in microcontrollers and development ecosystems.
CommScope: Related Resource
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STM32 provisioning to public cloud | Video |

• 組込み用ソフトウェア
• グローバル・サービス
• ソフトウェア開発ツール
1100 CommScope Place SE, 28602, Hickory, North Carolina, United States
Xin Qiu
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
CommScope Zero-Touch Certificate Provisioning Client | Client software that provisions manufacturer-, customer-, or application-specific device identities into on-board secure elements in IoT devices | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STSAFE-A110 |
STM32WB55 Matter Provisioning Client | An ST-CommScope pre-integrated manufacturing client package is designed to provision the STM32WB55 device with a CSA Matter Device Attestation Certificate (DAC) | STM32WBx5 |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
CommScope Software Signing and Encryption Services | Code signing and encryption services to protect device firmware, accessible anytime by authorized users from anywhere | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STSAFE-A110 |
CommScope Certificate Authority (CA) Service | Certificate services for customizable vendor-, product-, and application-specific Root of Trust for their specific devices | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STSAFE-A110 |
CommScope Secure Factory and Remote Provisioning Services | Services for provisioning devices with device-unique certificates conforming to vendor-specific profiles | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STSAFE-A110 |
CommScope Fleet Management Services | On-going device/fleet management after devices are deployed and in service | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STSAFE-A110 |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Code Signing Client with Crypto Token | A cross-platform client that enables secure, automated firmware signing/encryption to be incorporated into the software build process | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STSAFE-A110 |
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