Founded in 1986, Eutron S.p.A. has established itself as a leading company specializing in the design, engineering, and production of advanced mechatronics solutions. With a strong foundation built on years of experience in the mechanical-textile industry and backed by the prestigious Belgian Vandewiele group, Eutron has successfully expanded its expertise to encompass various other sectors, including vending machines and elevators. This strategic diversification has solidified Eutron's reputation as a reliable and versatile partner capable of meeting diverse industry needs.
Eutron’s operations are firmly rooted in the principles of lean Production, ensuring efficient and high-quality processes throughout the entire product life cycle. The company offers a comprehensive range of services, starting from initial design and production, through to the development of rigorous testing protocols. Their New Product Introduction (NPI) support is designed to seamlessly bring innovative products to market, while their cost reduction analysis helps clients achieve optimal value.
The company's expertise extends to providing robust supply chain solutions, after-sales repair services, and efficient logistics management, ensuring that clients receive end-to-end support. A notable aspect of Eutron's offering is their customized System on Module (SoM) solutions, which are tailored to meet specific client requirements. This capability is underpinned by the extensive experience and technical prowess of their dedicated research and development team.
Eutron's commitment to innovation and quality has enabled it to maintain a competitive edge in the industry. By continually adapting to emerging technologies and market demands, Eutron remains at the forefront of mechatronics solutions, delivering excellence and reliability to its global clientele.
Products and services of Eutron
Services offered by Eutron range from research and development to prototyping, through to mass production and after-sales services. Leveraging the decades-long experience of its R&D team, the company enhances its offerings with state-of-the-art, customized System on Module (SoM) solutions, adaptable to various applications such as HMI applications, industrial gateways, IoT, AI on edge, and motion control.
ST is a benchmark in offering state-of-the-art products and services with an eye on both performance and cost. Eutron is always following its developments.
Eutron in the STMicroelectronics ecosystem
Eutron has always developed embedded systems using state-of-the-art ST microcontrollers and microprocessors (STM32 & MP1).
These products thus integrate the most innovative and enabling technologies for the industrial and IoT worlds
Product and Process engineering - our engineering team is entirely focused on the whole value stream, from supplying the production line to handling materials, to the design of testing and assembly cells.
- Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) - Eutron specializes in high-variety and medium-volume production. They have successfully managed over 700 product codes, with batch sizes ranging from 50 pieces to several thousand
- Fast Prototyping Department - A rapid prototyping department, comprised of specialized teams and resources, offers a dedicated purchasing channel and guarantees a quick delivery timeframe
- Research & Development - The Research and Development team has demonstrated expertise in the development of hardware, software, and firmware. Their specialties include Power Control and Conversion, Industrial Control Systems, System on Module (SoM, e.g. STM32MP157) and Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Applications, as well as Industrial Gateway and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.
![Eutron Eutron](/content/dam/PartnerProgram/Eutron/eutron-logo-final.png)
• コンサル & 開発サービス
Via Crespi 29/31, 24020, Pradalunga (BG), Lombardia, Italy
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Design and Engineering services by Eutron | Set of engineering and design capabilities | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
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