Intea Engineering is an innovative and competitive player in the EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) panorama.
Intea offers a full-featured service from concept to series production for electronics products.
They take care of all product development stages and life cycle:
- Concept, feasibility, economic estimation
- Detailed specifications
- Hardware, Firmware and software design, simulation, DFMEA
- DFA, DFM, and DFT methodologies applied
- Supply chain evaluation and monitoring
- Prototyping, testing, and verification
- Design review
- Preseries
- Validation and certification
- EOL parametric and functional test design
- Supply chain assurance
- Top quality series production
- Engineering change order and obsolescence management
- End product assembly
- Design maintenance and renewal
Intea serves a diverse group of customers, which means they have expertise in many areas, including home appliances, industrial controls, user interfaces, wireless connections, motor control, automotive ECU, sensors, cordless power tools, HVAC controls, and valve actuators.
Diverse expertise of Intea’s engineer and technician teams allows cross-industry concept porting leading to smart and effective solutions. They master microcontroller hardware and firmware designs, as well as power boards and customized sensors. A recent inclusion of an IoT specialized engineer team expanded Intea service portfolio to include IoT connectivity and client-customized Cloud design and management.
State-of-the-art SMD assembly lines, AOI machines, THT soldering machine, coating machines and robotized adhesive dispensing machines are flagships of Intea production department. Intea production is 100% tested through sophisticated bed-of-nail testers, latest generation flying probe tester and dedicated functional test-benches.
Intea operates two production sites: the historic one in Sale Marasino (BS), Italy, and a newer one in Arad, Romania. Both sites use the same machines and tools to ensure a seamless transition of production from one plant to another.
Intea, as part of a larger companies group named Mont.El Group, can offer an even wide service to customer including wire harness, switchboards, temperature, pressure, and level sensors.
Intea is ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 certified.
Intea establishes in 1997 in Sale Marasino (BS), Italy. Starting from a tiny site and a less than 10 people staff they grew to a hundred people and two sites company in 2023.
Services of Intea Engineering
Intea offers an all-inclusive support from design to series production of electronic boards. Their focus and expertise are on microcontroller-based boards and sensors.
- STM32 microcontroller-based control boards: Hardware and firmware design, RTOS, or bare-metal programming
- STM8 based control boards for very cost sensitive applications.
- Captivating Graphic HMI on 3.5’’ to 10’’ TFT displays with RTP or CTP.
- STM32 based motor control boards: BLDC or BLAC, sensored or sensorless control algorithms. High or low voltage motors.
- Automotive ECU.
- NFC transceiver and tag.
- Design and manufacture of customized automotive and industrial sensors
Intea Engineering in STMicroelectronics ecosystem
Intea leverages ST Partner Program to gain a better knowledge of ST products. In this way Intea meets its customers’ requirements with an optimized and smart solution. ST can benefit from a design and manufacturer partner that can span over many market segments and, therefore, use a broad range of semiconductor products. Intea benefits from a large audience of solution seeker on ST web site.
• コンサル & 開発サービス
Via Chiusure, 32 Sale Marasino, 25057, Sale Marasino (BS), Lombardy, Italy
Ivano Novali
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Intea Engineering design and manufacturing | Intea's skilled engineer and technician teams support customer from concept to production of an electronic product in a seamless and effective way | IGBTs Gate drivers MEMS and sensors ST25 NFC readers ST25 NFC/RFID tags and readers Low side switches STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM8 8-bit MCUs |
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