Clarinox is a pioneering leader in embedded software solutions and development tools for wireless connectivity. At its core, the Clarinox wireless ecosystem is powered by ClarinoxBlue and ClarinoxWiFi, protocol stacks for Bluetooth, Bluetooth® Low Energy, and wi-fi. These versatile stacks operate seamlessly on the Clarinox SoftFrame abstraction layer, facilitating swift portability, coexistence, and interoperability. Complementing this ecosystem is the ClariFi tool, a critical component that offers essential debug functions, including protocol analysis and memory management. These functions play a vital role in enabling the efficient development and ongoing maintenance of increasingly complex wireless protocols. Ultimately, the Clarinox ecosystem provides a comprehensive package that not only enhances robustness but also accelerates time-to-market for our valued customers.
Clarinox supports a wide range of STMicroelectronics MCU and application processing platforms and because of the abstraction layer enabled by Clarinox SoftFrame there is support for many RTOSes, including Android, AUTOSAR, Azure RTOS, eCos, ELinOS, embOS, FreeRTOS/SafeRTOS, INTEGRITY, Linux, Mbed™ OS, MQX, Nucleus, PikeOS, PX5, QNX, RTX, TI-RTOS, uC/OS-III, ulTRON, VxWorks, Windows, and Zephyr.
Products & services by Clarinox
A robust Bluetooth Classic/LE protocol stack, Auracast, and Mesh ready, supporting over 15 different RTOS. ClarinoxBlue is a dev-friendly stack that offers advanced embedded connectivity solutions.
- Bluetooth 5.3 qualified (QDID: D063123) supporting Bluetooth classic, Low energy and Mesh
- Supports single and multithreaded applications for multiple simultaneous Bluetooth® Low Energy and wi-fi roles
- Isolation of application from lower layers and support for both blocking and nonblocking APIs
- Multiple RTOS, isolation of application from lower layers and support for both blocking and non-blocking APIs
- Bluetooth classic A2DP, HFP/HSP, Auracast™ connected and broadcast isochronous audio and LC3/SBC supported
ClarinoxBlue is a comprehensive, flexible, and portable Bluetooth protocol stack for embedded devices.
- Designed for both Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) and Bluetooth® Low Energy (Bluetooth® Low Energy)
- ClarinoxBlue implements all Bluetooth protocols and profile layers
- Support for multiple simultaneous profiles and roles
- Single and multithreaded applications
- Blocking and nonblocking API calls
- Dual-mode or single-mode stack options
For more information: ClarinoxBlue
A proven wi-fi protocol stack with AP, STA, P2P, WPS, Mesh, ported to over 15 different RTOS. ClarinoxWiFi empowers developers to create reliable and high-performance embedded wi-fi connections.
- Supports 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax on 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz (20/40/80MHz bandwidth), Round trip time and Fast roaming
- Supports single and multithreaded applications for multiple simultaneous wi-fi and Bluetooth® Low Energy roles
- Isolation of application from lower layers and support for both blocking and non-blocking APIs
- Modular architecture: multiple OS/RTOS and TCP/IP stack options, allowing for easy cloud connectivity
- Supports access point, Station, and wi-fi direct (P2P) roles with WPA2/WPA3 personal and Enterprise security
For more information: ClarinoxWiFi
Clarinox software deliverables include a tailored reference application that reduces setup time and simplifies debugging.
ClariFi™ is an all-in-one high-level debugger with integrated Bluetooth and wi-fi sniffers, protocol analysis, memory optimization, leak analysis, and detailed thread/task insights.
Detailed analysis of implementation, capture debugging data on demand, interactive testing without recompile
- Use C++/Lua to create custom tools for automated testing, post-processing, or debugging rare occurring issues
- Automated testing architecture provides support for Bluetooth and wi-fi qualification and certification
- ClariFi insight, a feature for the collection of event data with near zero impact on code behavior
- Connect to the target device via Ethernet, JTAG, UART, or save captured data to onboard RAM for fast events
For more information: Clarifi
Using these well-proven resources, engineers can efficiently design, implement, and debug complex embedded Bluetooth and wi-fi developments across a large range of the STMicroelectronics processor families.
Clarinox: Related Resource
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• ソフトウェア開発ツール
28 / 296 Bay Road, 3192 , Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
ClarinoxWiFi protocol stack | Comprehensive Wi-Fi drivers to support wide range of OS/RTOS choices | STM32U5 series STM32L5 series STM32L4 series STM32F4 series STM32H7 series STM32H5 series STM32F7 series STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series STM32L4+ series |
ClarinoxBlue Bluetooth protocol stack | Comprehensive Bluetooth and BLE stack solution | STM32WBA series STM32WB series STM32U5 series STM32L5 series STM32F4 series STM32H7 series STM32F7 series STM32MP1 series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
ClariFi | In-built wireless protocol analyser | STM32WBx5 STM32U5 series STM32L5 series STM32F4 series STM32H7 series STM32F7 series STM32MP1 series |
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