DH electronics is ST Authorized Partner and has specialized on individual embedded systems such as System on Modules (SOMs), Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs), and IoT Gateways engineered and made in Germany for 30 years. The standard and customized products can be used in a wide range of applications such as building automation, mobility and transportation, measurement and laboratory technology, mechanical and plant engineering, medical technology, and healthcare. Longterm availability of 10+ years is guaranteed for all products and Mainline Linux support is offered. The office is located in southern Germany with short distances to the production site in Bavaria and to surrounding customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. DH electronics supplies customers worldwide and works closely with distributors to ensure excellent customer service.
Embedded systems offered by DH electronics
The range of embedded systems based on STM32 microprocessors and power manager includes:
- Single Board Computer: DHSBC STM32MP13 based on DHCOR STM32MP13
- Evaluation Board: Avenger96 based on DHCOR STM32MP15
- Solderable SOM: DHCOR STM32MP13
- Solderable SOM: DHCOR STM32MP15
- Solderable SOM: DHCOR STM32MP2
- Pluggable SOM: DHCOR STM32MP15
- IoT Gateway: DRC Compact based on DHCOR STM32MP15
- IoT Gateway: DRC02 based on DHCOM STM32MP15
- Human Machine Interfaces: DHMI 10.1 based on DHCOM STM32MP15
The range of products offered by DH electronics includes:
- Solderable and pluggable System on Modules (DHSOM)
- Human Machine Interfaces with resistive or PCAP touch (DHMI)
- Industrial IoT Gateways for Industry 4.0 applications (DHCON)
- Development and Carrier Boards, Single Board Computers
- Cooling Solution for pluggable SOMs without heatsink
The range of services offered by DH electronics includes:
- Guaranteed availability of 10+ years for all products
- Customized embedded solutions from idea to finished product
- Lifecycle and obsolescence management
- Mainline Linux suppport and active software maintenance
Customized embeded systems made easy
DH electronics implemented a modular system that enables the quick, easy, and cost-efficient development of customized embedded solutions based on its standard products. As a full-service provider, DH electronics not only takes care of software and hardware development, but also project management and the coordination of project partners. DH is a pioneer for solderable SOMs and has developed solderable embedded computer modules with pre-tinned LGA ball grids for STM32MP15x and STM32MP13x. DH electronics is not just a SOM maker but offers excellent customer support in terms of standard, semi- and fully-customized devices where customers are guided from the first idea to the finished product and beyond.
Software support
DH electronics contributes to the Open Source community by upstreaming new projects to the Mainline Linux kernel and offers Mainline Linux support for products such as DHCOR STM32MP13, DHSBC STM32MP13, DHCOR STM32MP15 and DHCOM STM32MP15 from the very beginning on. A SOM design with STM32MP2 is already planned. Therefore optimizations, improvements and bug fixes are available to anyone. You will find the sources for our System on Modules and development boards or reference designs in the Mainline Kernel and can directly use Linux-Next on this device. Currently we use LTS Linux kernel 6.6.y. Apart from our own embedded devices we can also bring customer-specific devices Mainline. Due to the Mainline support updates can be also done easily and fast and will be supported by DH on a regular basis. We use a GitLab based CI/CD pipeline and can also carry out tests on real costumer hardware in our DH test rack.
Low-power solutions
DH electronics has more than 30 years of experience in the development of standard and customized embedded systems based on energy-saving ARM microprocessors. With the low-power strategy for our DHCOM STM32MP15, the power consumption of the SOM can be reduced to 10% compared to operation and the power consumption in run mode from typ. 1.4 -2 W to a few milliwatts. Detailed information can be found here.
Cooling without heat sink
We developed the 5-Cent Cooling Solution which makes expensive heat sinks obsolete and offers an space- and cost-efficient, robust alternative. With our cooling system, heat is dissipated from the processor through thermal vias into the inner copper layers of the PCB via a 5-Cent copper surface with the aid of a gap pad. Detailed information can be found here.
DH electronics in STMicroelectronics ecosystem
DH electronics relies on ST, an established manufacturer of microprocessors and microcontrollers, which promises long-term availability and highest quality. As ST Authorized Partner, we can therefore guarantee customers a long-term availability of their embedded systems of 10+ years. At the same time, customers benefit from the close cooperation with ST, as they can expect excellent support in terms of software and hardware, trainings and workshops regarding the use of ST products within DH electronics’ product families.
DH electronics: Related Resources
(#STM32MPU) (#STM32MP1)(#IoT)

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• ST製品搭載デバイス
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Am Anger 8, 83346, Bergen, Germany
Magdalena Daxenberger
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Evaluation Board Avenger96 | Evaluation Board based on DHCOR STM32MP15 | STPMIC1 STM32MP157 |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Product Customizing | From idea to product | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Trainings and workshops | Technical trainings and workshops | STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs STM32MP1 series STM32MP2 series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
DHCOM STM32MP15 | Pluggable SOM for industry 4.0, smart metering, EV charging applications | STPMIC1 STM32MP151 STM32MP157 STM32MP153 |
DHCOR STM32MP15 | Solderable SOM for industry 4.0, smart metering, EV charging applications | STPMIC1 STM32MP151 STM32MP157 STM32MP153 |
DHCOR STM32MP13 | Solderable SOM for secure IoT applications | STPMIC1 STM32MP135 STM32MP131 STM32MP133 |
Single Board Computer DHSBC STM32MP13 | Industrial Single Board Computer with WiFi/BT and Dual GB Ethernet | STPMIC1 STM32MP135 STM32MP131 STM32MP133 |
The IoT Gateway DRC Compact | Compact and robust IoT Gateway based on DHCOR STM32MP15 | STM32MP157 |
DHMI 10.1 | Industrial HMI with PCAP touch based on DHCOM STM32MP15 | STM32MP157 |
DHCOS STM32MP2 | Solderable SOM with STM32MP25. | STPMIC1 STM32MP2 series |
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