EKTOS is a one-stop shop for complete electronics consulting services.
EKTOS handles the entire electronic design and development process, including testing and approvals. Developed and tested products are then handed over to its own or third-party EMS Electronics manufacturing Service. Each service is offered as a standalone task or a seamless end-to-end electronics life cycle solution.
With an ISO 9001 certification, EKTOS is committed to internal efficiency and productivity growth. Similarly, its ISO 13485 accreditation ensures higher quality control for safe and high-quality medical device manufacturing.
EKTOS takes on the project management responsibilities and coordinates all partners involved with open and honest communication. Clients receive proper documentation upon project completion and retain 100% ownership of the IPR of their products.
Established in 2007 in Viborg, Denmark, EKTOS serves clients across the agriculture, HVAC, IOT, fuel-cell automation, marine, defense, healthcare industries, and more.
Services offered by EKTOS
EKTOS teams work with their own facilities for electronic development, testing, and manufacturing using a rich variety of techniques and technologies.
Tight cooperation between embedded products and different backend and cloud platforms makes it easy to deploy connected solutions. It also enables a cost-effective approach with the shortest time-to-market.
EKTOS design and development capabilities include:
- Hardware and software design
- TouchGFX
- UI/UX design & implementation
- AI /ML design & implementation
- Wireless connectivity
- Power electronics & battery powered designs
- IOT sensors, actuators, and connectivity
- Type testing and approvals
- Electronics manufacturing
EKTOS guides clients through the complex process of international electrical safety approvals like CB-scheme, UL/CSA, and ETL marking. With a cost-effective approach, they help clients meet compliance standards for the EU, USA, Canada, Japan, and 80 other countries on short notice.
EKTOS' EMS provides PCBA that meets IPC-A-610 class two and three soldering quality standards. They also offer custom-made rigs and an automated Product Test System (PTS) for fast and efficient testing of PCBAs, along with capabilities in:
- Box-build
- THD soldering
- Cable mounting
- Calibration
- Packing finished and tested products into retail packaging
- Monthly production capacity of up to 35,000 medium-complexity products
EKTOS in STMicroelectronics ecosystem
EKTOS utilizes its capabilities in TouchGFX, RF, AI, and ML with the STM32/8 family of microprocessors to create cost-effective end-to-end solutions.
As an ST-authorized partner, EKTOS provides customers with flexible and highly tailored value in the shortest time possible.

• コンサル & 開発サービス
• エンジニアリング・サービス
35 Farvervej, 8800, Viborg, Denmark
Oleksandr Liubimov
Company primary contact phone:
+45 3161 8372
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
AI/ML Product Design | Designing low-footprint solutions with either the Cube edgeAI or nanoEdge or just a downscaled ML model | STM8 8-bit MCUs STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
UI/UX/HMI Design and TouchGFX | Design the UI/UX part of the product, from concept to the workflow | STM32Cube STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
Certifications and approvals | Professional type testing certification and approval services worldwide | Power management Wireless connectivity STM8 8-bit MCUs STM32WB series STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Battery Powered design service | Low and extremely low power designs based on both primary, secondary and power harvesting power sources | Power management Wireless connectivity STM8 8-bit MCUs STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
Power Electronics Systems Design | Design, simulation, calculation and development of the most effective Watt/Dollar designs | AC-DC converters LED drivers DC-DC switching converters Gate drivers STM8 8-bit MCUs STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
IDH Design Services | SW, FW and HW design, Electronic Development | Power management Wireless connectivity STM8 8-bit MCUs STM32WB series STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
RF Product Design | Designing and simulation of off-the-shelf or customized antennas | Thread products ZigBee products Matter products BlueNRG-2 Proprietary Sub-1 GHz products STM32WB series STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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