Swift Navigation is changing the way we understand and navigate the planet. They specialize in delivering precise positioning services, which provide high accuracy positioning to customers, setting them apart from competitors through their cloud-based solutions and ISO-certified automotive safety standards.
Founded in 2012, Swift Navigation has a rich history of innovation in the field of navigation and positioning. Their commitment to reliability and precision has driven their success in the market.
Products or Services of Swift Navigation
Swift Navigation offers a comprehensive portfolio that includes Skylark Precise Positioning Service. These offerings are designed to complement STMicroelectronics' products, enhancing the capabilities of integrated solutions.
- Skylark Precise Positioning Service: The only global cloud-based precise positioning service built from the ground up to unlock new mass market use cases across industries at scale. ISO-certified to meet automotive safety standards and delivered through carrier-grade networks with full redundancy in every system and connection, Skylark delivers reliable, high accuracy positioning for millions of devices globally. Skylark is available in multiple variants to support the precision, coverage, and power consumption requirements of a wide variety of use cases.
- Skylark Dx for Industrial and IoT Markets: Skylark Dx offers affordable sub-meter precision and uniform performance country-wide for applications requiring low power consumption, minimal processing loads, or low data transmission. Key features include:
- Affordable Precision: Sub-meter accuracy with a low power, processing, and data burden at an industry-leading price point.
- Reliable Performance: Uniform coverage and high availability, backed by a carrier-grade network and commercial-grade SLA.
- Universal Compatibility: Works with any receiver capable of applying code-phase corrections.
- Built for Scale: Scalable to support billions of devices worldwide.
- Featured Use Cases: Mobile handsets, wearables, logistics and asset tracking, connected infrastructure.
- Skylark Cx for the Automotive Market: Skylark Cx offers centimeter-level accuracy and uniform performance country-wide in conjunction with Swift’s Starling Positioning Engine and the ST Teseo V GNSS chipset. Skylark Cx is ISO 26262 certified (ASIL-B) for use in L2+ systems.
- Skylark Dx for Industrial and IoT Markets: Skylark Dx offers affordable sub-meter precision and uniform performance country-wide for applications requiring low power consumption, minimal processing loads, or low data transmission. Key features include:
- Starling Positioning Engine: Compatible with the Teseo V GNSS chipset and the ASM330LHH 6-axis IMU, Starling Positioning Engine delivers centimeter-level accuracy through high integrity GNSS positioning and dead reckoning. This ensures consistent performance even in challenging environments such as urban canyons, parking garages, and underground structures. This market-leading solution is designed for fast and easy integration and deployment using industry-standard protocols to reduce customer engineering investment and enable quick time to market.
- Starling Evaluation Platform (STEP): A comprehensive evaluation platform that allows users to test and integrate Swift’s precise positioning solutions with ease. STEP provides a robust environment for evaluating the performance of Skylark and Starling Positioning Engine, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance in various applications.
Swift Navigation in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
The partnership between Swift Navigation and STMicroelectronics brings significant value by combining Swift’s expertise in precise positioning with ST's advanced technologies. This collaboration enables the development of integrated solutions that offer high accuracy and reliability to customers. Additionally, Swift Navigation collaborates with other partners in the ST ecosystem to further enhance the value proposition for end-users.
Swift Navigation: Related Resources
Description | Category |
From CES 2020: Positioning Localization with Swift Navigation | Video |
Precision GNSS Module Product Summary | Document |
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201 Mission St., San Francisco, California, United States
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Starling Positioning Engine | High-precision positioning engine designed for automotive applications fully compatible with Teseo V and TeseoAPP | STA8100GA STA8135GA LSM6DSM ASM330LHH STA9100MGA STA1385 STM32H7 series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Starling Evaluation Platform (STEP) | Swift の Starling 測位エンジンと Skylark 精密測位サービスを Teseo GNSS 受信機でテストするための評価プラットフォーム | STA8100GA STA8135GA LSM6DSM ASM330LHH STA9100MGA STA1385 STM32H7 series |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Skylark Precise Positioning Service | Precise location offering accurate, reliable, high integrity GNSS corrections for various Teseo GNSS solutions | Teseo-LIV4F |
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