WEPTECH elektronik is specialized in wireless technologies and provides E²MS services for the development and production of predominantly radio assemblies and systems (E²MS - Electronics Engineering & Manufacturing Services). Their core competencies cover the fields of Smart Metering, networking of objects in the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 via wireless protocols such as wireless M-Bus with Open Metering System (OMS), Thread, NB-IoT, and mioty®.
As an Original Design Manufacturer (ODM), they develop and manufacture devices and assemblies for well-known and globally operating companies from various industries. Strictly according to IPC guidelines, they manufacture and test on 3.500m² electronic assemblies and devices for industrial electronics, building technology, medical technology, avionics and for machine vision.
In December 2018, WEPTECH was the first company to be approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the production of the PPC Smart Meter Gateways with protection profile in accordance with the Common Criteria EAL4+.
Products & Services offered by WEPTECH
WEPTECH develops and sells its own products (Radio modules, Sensors, Repeater and Gateways) exclusively based on the latest technologies wM-Bus/OMS, NB-IoT, Thread, and mioty®.
WEPTECH is a member of the OMS Group, a full-member of the mioty® alliance and a member of the German Fachverband Elektronik-Design (FED e.V.).
WEPTECH has been in the “AG1” and on the executive board of the OMS Group for over 10 years and has helped develop all the specifications there. WEPTECH has been a full member for 2 years and participate in the Technical Committee and the Business Development Committee of the mioty alliance, offers mioty products and develops further mioty metering products.
WEPTECH is a specialist for OMS over LPWAN:
WEPTECH elektronik in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
The collaboration with STMicroelectronics is characterized by the close exchange of detailed knowledge. WEPTECH benefits from early information about new products, so that customer projects can realized very quickly, sometimes even before the official ST product launch. Thanks to direct access to ST specialists, WEPTECH was able to implement power optimization based on the S2-LP for a mioty solution.

• コンサル & 開発サービス
• ST製品搭載デバイス
Maria-Goeppert-Mayer-Str. 4, 76829, Landau, Germany
Wolfgang Esch
Company primary contact phone:
+49 6341 9255 519
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Electronics Engineering and Manufacturing Services (E²MS) | Electronics Engineering & Manufacturing Services (E2MS) | ST87M01 SPIRIT1 S2-LP STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
PHOENIX-W | Wireless-M-bus / OMS radio module to make a meter OMS capable or to use in a gateway as wM-bus receiver | S2-LP STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
SWAN2 | Wall or pole mounted, battery operated gateway | S2-LP STM32 32-bit Arm Cortex MCUs |
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