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STM32Cube embedded software demo of power consumption using LPUART (AN4635)

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The microcontrollers in the STM32G0, STM32G4, STM32H7, STM32L0, STM32L4, STM32L4+, STM32L5, and STM32WB Series feature an alternative UART interface, designed to allow the STM32 to operate with minimum power requirements.

The application in the X-CUBE-LPUART Expansion Package aims to demonstrate how to exploit fully the LPUART advantages, thus extending product battery life.

For more details, refer to the Minimization of power consumption using LPUART for STM32 microcontrollers application note (AN4635), available on www.st.com.

  • 特徴

    • Communication speeds of 9600 and 57600 bauds; communication using DMA, interrupt, or polling method
    • Showcase of Stop and Sleep modes in communication
    • Power regulator settings influence explained
