This second series of SLLIMM (small low-loss intelligent molded module) nano provides a compact, high-performance AC motor drive in a simple, rugged design. It is composed of six improved short-circuit rugged trench gate fieldstop IGBTs with freewheeling diodes and three half-bridge HVICs for gate driving, providing low electromagnetic interference (EMI) characteristics with optimized switching speed. The package is designed to allow a better and more easily screwed-on heat sink, and is optimized for thermal performance and compactness in built-in motor applications or other low power applications where assembly space is limited. This IPM includes a completely uncommitted operational amplifier and a comparator that can be used to design a fast and efficient protection circuit.
- IPM 3 A, 600 V, 3-phase IGBT inverter bridge including 3 control ICs for gate driving and freewheeling diodes
- 3.3 V, 5 V, 15 V TTL/CMOS input comparators with hysteresis and pull-down/pull-up resistors
- Internal bootstrap diode
- Optimized for low electromagnetic interference
- Undervoltage lockout
- VCE(SAT) negative temperature coefficient
- Shutdown function
- Interlocking function
- Op-amp for advanced current sensing
- Comparator for fault protection against overcurrent
- NTC (UL 1434 CA 2 and 4)
- Up to ±2 kV ESD protection (HBM C = 100 pF, R = 1.5 kΩ)
- Isolation ratings of 1800 Vrms/min.
- UL recognition: UL 1557, file E81734
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STGIPQ3H60T-HZS | 量産中 | N2DIP-26L | インダストリアル | Ecopack2 | |
N2DIP-26LMaterial Declaration**:
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