SAMEA Innovation specializes in creating innovative wireless products and customized solutions, leveraging our extensive expertise in wireless radio communication systems and design capabilities. Additionally, we develop our own product lines that enhance connectivity, geolocation, and feature versatile wireless sensors.
The development of IoT indeed requires complex and diversified resources, which are frequently focused on data processing software platforms.
Founded in 2016, SAMEA Innovation was launched as a design office to support many professionals in B2B on radio integration, by filling their weaknesses in the development of connected objects.
Samea Innovation decided in 2019 to start developing its own range of products, with the main thrusts: improving Wi-Fi connectivity; precision geolocation indoors and outdoors; and finally, the improvement of the quality of life with SENSORIIS®.
Products offered by SAMEA
In the context of the partnership with ST, SAMEA offers:
- SENSORIIS®, a comprehensive environmental sensor designed for energy optimization in buildings and quality of life monitoring. Capable of measuring up to 12 parameters (temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, atmospheric pressure, particulate matter, VOCs, sound, light, presence, vibrations, smoke, formaldehyde), it transmits data via 4G/5G, LoRa, BLE, and Wi-Fi networks. This standalone solution is ready to use, configurable via an NFC application, and features integrated antennas ensuring global coverage.
- ThinTrack™, a compact GNSS tracker (84 x 36 mm, thickness 3.6 to 8 mm) with a GPS-guided design for optimal housing and battery integration. It supports indoor localization via Wi-Fi and BLE and uses 4G/5G LTE-M/NB-IoT networks for data transfer. Available in six models, it offers intelligent energy management and compatibility with custom tracking platforms. Ideal for tracking valuable goods, merchandise, mail, and pharmaceutical products.
- TinyTrack™, an ultracompact IoT asset tracker (48 x 36 mm, thickness 6.4 or 7.4 mm) using an assisted GPS process for optimized battery life. It supports indoor localization via WiFi and BLE and uses 4G/5G LTE-M/NB-IoT networks for data transfer. Available in two models, it offers battery-life up to four years. It is configurable via NFC and is ideal for discreet tracking of small nonpowered assets and air freight.
- Custom IoT Projects, SAMEA also undertakes bespoke IoT projects, providing fully customized IoT solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. We integrate hardware, software, connectivity, and more to deliver a turnkey solution that meets the unique requirements of your project.
SAMEA in STMicroelectronics Ecosystem
In our partnership with STMicroelectronics, we utilize the LIS2DW12 (Accelerometer) from STMicroelectronics for our devices. ST provides us with microcontroller technologies, BLE and 802.15.4 multiprotocol transmission, various sensors, and GNSS technologies. This enables us to create compact and connected sensors leveraging our expertise in embedded software and RF. In return, we contribute our expertise in radiocommunication to ST, including integrating new design boards into their portfolio.
SAMEA Innovation: Social Media Accounts
• エンジニアリング・サービス
• ST製品搭載デバイス
1, rue Georges Le Breton, 22370, Pléneuf-Val-André, France
Sebastien Amiot
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
RF & Wireless design services | RF & Wireless implementation: architecture choice, design, simulation, industrial product implementation & measurements | STW81200 BlueNRG-1 SPIRIT1 LoRaWAN products STM32WB55CC |
Design of connected devices | Design of connected devices using LTE, BLE and WiFi. | ST25 dynamic NFC tags LSM6DSR STM32WB series STA8090WG |
パートナー製品 | 概要 | 関連製品 |
Outdoor positionning module | The module is a GNSS receiver module with dead recognition | LDLN025 STM32L0 series LSM6DSR STA8090WG |
SENSORIIS | Collects environmental data and transfers it to the Cloud through selected IoT networks | IMP34DT05 ST1PS01 STM32WBx5 |
ThinTrack | Ultra-thin and compact asset tracker solution based on 4G/5G and GPS communication with cloud computing | Buck regulators Transient voltage suppressors (TVS) Low dropout (LDO) linear regulators Accelerometers |
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