- NECTO Studio IDE SW development solution for STM32 ARM Cortex
- TASKING VX-Toolset for ARM Cortex-M Fully integrated embedded development environment based on 64-bit Eclipse IDE with C/C++ compiler, advanced multicore support and integrated debugger.
- FlashTask Pro ProMik's most advanced programming solution. The Modular Concept of FlashTaskPro is the master production software for easy control of your entire Flash process with Flash Drivers.
- CXSTM32 STM32 Full Development Package (Compiler + Debugger)
- pBoot_Pro - Production Bootloader Technology Fail-safe bootloader solution for complex applications: enables flashing according to modern requirements & dedicated functions for cyber security
- CXSTM8 C Compiler and associated tools for the STM8 family
- Altia CloudWare Altia CloudWare™ enables distributed teammates to collaboratively design and develop embedded GUIs using cloud-based software from Altia and STMicroelectronics hardware from anywhere in the world.
- Actility Interoperability Tool LoRaWAN automated test tool
- ISOLAR-A A tool to design and address AUTOSAR Classic architectures, systems, and application software
- ISOLAR-B A tool for configuration and generation of AUTOSAR compliant basic software
- CANopen FD StarterKit Contains a STM32G4, a transceiver board, an interface and an evaluation SW
- Arm Keil MDK C/C++ Compiler, IDE/Debugger, CMSIS, RTOS, middleware for STM32
- QShield Protection technologies for SW running on STM32
- Free Arm Keil MDK for STM32C0, STM32F0, STM32L0 and STM32G0 C/C++ Compiler, IDE/Debugger, CMSIS components, RTOS for STM32C/F/L/G/0
- Code Signing Client with Crypto Token A cross-platform client that enables secure, automated firmware signing/encryption to be incorporated into the software build process
- DTS INSIGHT Arm Keil MDK 「Arm Keil MDK」はArm Cortex-Mベースのマイクロコントローラ用に設計された統合開発環境です。Arm Keil MDKにはコードサイズおよびパフォーマンスを最適にする、アセンブラ・リンカおよび高度に最適化されたランタイムライブラリを含む2つのArm C/C++コンパイラが含まれます。
- pOnline_Pro pOnline_Pro stands for highly efficient algorithms. We provide them as DLL based driver packages for a smooth and simple implementation in any kind of host software, such as LabVIEW, TestStand or proprietary solutions
- ISOLAR-VRTE Design tool for AUTOSAR Adaptive
- CycurFUZZ Fuzzing tool (Cybersecurity)
- SPC5-UDESTK-SW The starterkit version of SPC5-UDESTK-EVAL can be used for evaluation purposes without registration
- Gang Flasher Secure Gang Programmer for STM32 MPUs and MCUs
- CycurRISK TARA tool (Cybersecurity)
- TargetLink The production code generator for highly efficient C code MATLAB®/Simulink®/Stateflow®.
- IAR Visual State State-machine modelling tool
- Kamea Kamea is a customizable device management & IoT platform designed for equipment manufacturers' ownership
- IAR C-RUN for Arm Run-time analysis tool, add-on to IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm
- IAR C-STAT Static analysis tool, add-on to IAR Embedded Workbench
- IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8 Complete development toolchain IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8
- LAVA (Linaro Automated Validation Architecture) Linaro's test lab automation suite
- Audio Weaver ST subsidized audio development system developed and commercialized by DSP Concepts
- Pluma Pluma is an automatic embedded testing tool that helps OEM improve their product quality
- IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm Complete devt environment generating fast compact code
- Lauterbach Instruction Set Simulator TRACE32® Instruction Set Simulators for Arm® and PowerPC
- CVE Scan CVE Scan is a Linux vulnerability scanner that enhances system cybersecurity
- Gizwits Code Auto-Generator Device-side code generation
- Digital Power / ST-PLD SW tools for Power Factor Correction Free-to-use tool to quickly stabilize PFC power stages controlled using an STM32
- Qt Development Framework Develop and deploy UIs and application on embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms
- Altair Embed Block diagram environment for model based firmware development
- Gizwits APP Code auto-generator Supports one-click code generation of Android, iOS, and HTML5
- SEGGER Ozone The multi-platform debugger and performance analyzer for J-Link and J-Trace
- SEGGER SystemView Analyze the Runtime Behavior of Embedded Systems
- RT-Thread Studio An one-stop development tool making IoT development simple and efficient
- SEGGER Embedded Studio PRO The all-in-one embedded development package
- SEGGER Embedded Studio Arm The all-in-one, multi-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for Arm-based embedded systems
- IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm - Functional Safety Functional safety edition of IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm
- SEGGER J-Flash Program Internal & External Microcontroller Flash
- PLTcloud Cloud-based system to deploy firmware to factory
- SEGGER AppWizard Create highly efficient and high-quality graphical user interfaces on any embedded system in the simplest way without writing any code.
- SEGGER STM32-SFI Flasher Commander Command-line based STM32 Secure Firmware Install utility
- Digital Power / ST-WDS SW tools for Power Supply Unit Free-to-use tool to quickly stabilize digital power supply controlled using an STM32.
- Voicehub VoiceHub?s intuitive interface allows users to quickly build vocabularies in dozens of languages with no coding experience required.
- Neuton.AI ML Models for Sensors
- Percepio DevAlert Provides awareness of issues in IoT device SW
- UDE Universal Debug Engine - Professional Debugger for STM32 UDE Universal Debug Engine is the leading, intuitive tool for professional software debugging of STM32 MCUs
- UDE Universal Debug Engine - Multi-Core Trace Tool UDE Universal Debug Engine is the leading, intuitive tool to trace, test, and analyze multi-core SoCs and microcontrollers
- UDE Universal Debug Engine - Multi-Core Debugger UDE Universal Debug Engine is the leading, intuitive tool for debugging, testing, and analyzing multi-core SoCs and microcontrollers
- HighTec Distributor HighTec development platforms and development kits
- SEGGER J-Link Commander Command-line based access to your J-Link and your target
- MULTI® Integrated Development Environment MULTI® is a complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing safety-certified embedded applications.
- SecEdge EmSPARK™ Security Suite SDK SDK for integration of customer-developed TEE-resident Trusted Applications
- Altia DeepScreen Altia DeepScreen automatically generates pure C source code leveraging the unique features of your selected hardware and operating system
- Altia Design Altia Design, our GUI editor, includes an integrated, efficient and easy-to-use workflow with advanced 3D capabilities, global language support and much more
- Percepio Tracealyzer for Azure RTOS ThreadX Visual trace diagnostics for embedded SW development
- ClariFi In-built wireless protocol analyser
- CodeLinaro CodeLinaro helps you navigate the complexities of the embedded software development life cycle.
- Power Architecture Development Platform Eclipse based multi-architecture and multi-core compiler suite
- Lauterbach Tool Qualification Support-Kit (TQSK) TQSK speeds up and simplifies safety certifications in avionics, medical, automotive, railroad, and general industrial projects
- Percepio Tracealyzer for Linux Visual trace diagnostics to check runtime systems
- Diab Compiler The Proven Development Tool for Automotive Safety
- MATLAB® and Simulink® MATLAB/Simulink
- STH50 SW development tool SW development tool has included platform SDK with LoRaWAN, sigfox examples, User can refer this resource to build up LPWAN sensor application
- NEQTO console & API NEQTO Console facilitates real-time, bi-directional data, and command transfer between business equipment and the cloud.
- TnL-Primer-NBW Instant HMI on mobiles. Connect to STM32 over Wi-Fi, BLE, NFC
- Edge Impulse Platform Create the next generation of intelligent device solutions with embedded machine learning
- NextNav Pinnacle SDK Android and iOS SDK tools that leverage NextNav network and device barometric sensor measurements for a more precise vertical location
- NextNav Pinnacle API API for non Android and iOS devices that leverages NextNav network and device barometric sensor measurements for a more precise vertical location
- SlateXNS Slate XNS is a browser-based software to model topologies, add streams and deploy configurations for TSN networks.
- ELBE Build system for Linux, based on Debian
- Digi ConnectCore Smart IOmux Software Configuration Tool Digi ConnectCore Smart IOmux helps to simplify pinout and Linux device tree configuration for Digi ConnectCore system-on-module (SOM) designs
- Embedded Coder Support for STM32-based boards Embedded Coder Support for ST Discovery and STM32F4xx (part of the MATLAB & Simulink prod.family)
- PROGACMP Flash Programming Software for STM32 and BlueNRG-1 devices
- MathWorks Simulink Coder Support Simulink Coder Support for ST Nucleo (part of the MATLAB & Simulink prod. family)
- Arduino Pro IDE Arduino IDE
- winIDEA IDE, Debug and Trace tool
- testIDEA Software Test Tool
- NetsPresso Nota AI's NetsPresso is a hardware-aware AI model optimization platform that empowers developers to build, optimize, and deploy lightweight AI models
- IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8 - Functional Safety Functional safety edition of IAR Embedded Workbench for STM8
- Qt Quality Assurance Tools Allow performing cross-technology/device GUI testing, code coverage analysis, static code analysis, and checking the compliance of software architecture.
- Qt Design Studio UI composition tool turning design visions into functional products
- Vector DaVinci tools Tools for configuring, validating and generating SW
- isystem.connect winIDEA Automation API
- Development portal Testing and development on NXM autonomous security platform
- Lauterbach PowerView Debug- and Trace-Software TRACE32® PowerView Software for all Lauterbach Hardware- and Software-Only-Debug- and Trace-Solutions.
- ECU Interface Software Prepares ECUs, RCP Hardware and HIL Simulators for interfacing, calibration, measurement & testing
- Storyboard Designer Development Tools to create optimized GUIs
- EB tresos Studio - Development Tools AUTOSAR and embedded SW configuration
- ASN Filter Designer Signal processing platform for developing real-time dataset cleaning algorithms and feature extraction algorithms for AIoT applications on STM32
- IODD Studio IO-Link Diagnosis Tool
- SoftSIM Manage the profiles in Links Field SoftSIM
- Arm tool: ARM Development Studio Eclipse-based IDE/debugger, C/C++ Compiler, CMSIS, performance analyzer, graphics debugger
- TalkTo Algorithm for noise filtering for voice UI applications
- Candera CGI Studio Easily create brilliant and customizable embedded HMI solutions of all kinds, even with no or low coding skills
- Percepio Tracealyzer Reveal the runtime world, power up SW development
- Compilers for ARM Fully-featured compilers for ARM microcontrollers
- System Workbench for Linux (SW4Linux) SW4Linux IDE (CubeIDE) to ease development of asymmetric applications on STM32MP1 SoC