PROFINET stack integration with Codewerk: we will speak PROFINET for you.
Support of modern field buses like PROFINET is becoming more essential in networked plants. To let your devices speak PROFINET, there are a few things to do:
- Evaluate existing PROFINET ASICs and stacks
- Adapt the stack to your (real-time) operating system
- Implement the interface to your application/host processor
- Implement one or more GSDML files
- Run integration- and system-tests
- Certify your hard- and software at a PI registered laboratory
We can handle all these steps as a complete carefree package for you. You can rely on a secure and high-quality implementation–also thanks to our extensive continuous integration framework for building and tests during development.
What moves you:
As a chip manufacturer, how can you provide the expertise required for testing, integration, and certification of PROFINET–and reliably meet your customers’ time and budget requirements?
As a device manufacturer: How can you expertly integrate existing PROFINET-certified chips and start production on time?
What adds value for you:
With our help, you can return your focus to your core competencies. The Codewerk carefree package covers the entire process of evaluation and integration of an existing PROFINET stack for your chip, platform, and/or (real-time) operating system. The final step is the certification of hardware and software in a laboratory registered with the PI.
We master all of the PROFINET conformance classes, including class C (IRT) and future class D (PROFINET over TSN). We are using all official test tools like ART and SPIRTA to pretest the integration. And it is possible to integrate individual PROFINET profiles like PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive, PROFIenergy, and PROFIprocess/PA.
What we do differently:
Many things! For example, we give you full freedom of choice between the Siemens PN (PROFINET) stack and the new PI community stack. Each prepares you for future tasks like PROFINET over TSN: The decision is based solely on your requirements. In the process itself, we rely on continuous integration and powerful, automated testing with the Embedded System Integration Check Framework (ESIC). Our goal is to maximize your security of function, time, and budget with our expertise in the field of industrial communication.
Our know how:
- Profound knowledge of the Siemens and the PI community stack
- PROFINET integration for all conformance classes A, B, C (IRT) and D (TSN)
- Integration of PROFINET profiles like PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive, PROFIenergy, PROFIprocess/PA
- Time-sensitive networking integration (TSN)
- Codewerk “Embedded system integration check framework” (ESIC) for continuous integration and automated testing
- Test environment with official PI test tools (ART, SIRTA, Netload)
- Certification mentoring and support

Products and Services offered:
• Engineering Services
Company Head Office address:
Siemensallee 75, 76187, Karlsruhe, Germany
Company primary contact:
Peter Hensel
Company website:
Partner Product | Description | Associated ST Products |
OPC UA Stack Integration | Integration of OPC UA protocol stacks into ST MCUs and MPUs | STM32H7 series STM32MP1 series |
PROFINET Stack Integration | Integration of PROFINET protocol stacks into ST MCUs and MPUs | STM32H7 series STM32MP1 series |
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