Smart mirrors for fitness: pose estimation and multi-person tracking
Track and analyze users' body movements to provide feedback on exercise with STM32N6 at 28 FPS.
Discover how to improve embedded solutions using edge AI.
Track and analyze users' body movements to provide feedback on exercise with STM32N6 at 28 FPS.
Smart buildings
Detection of personal protective equipment on workers using an object detection AI model.
Anomaly detection solution on industrial equipment, running on STM32 MCU.
Tire pressure monitoring solution to improve rider safety and convenience.
Industrial | Transportation
Packages condition classification on sensors.
Wearables | Entertainment
Pose recognition and classification on a sensor.
Wearables | Entertainment
Activity recognition and classification on a sensor.
Industrial | Smart offices
Low-power anomaly detection solution running on a sensor.
Industrial | Smart offices | Smart buildings | Smart homes
End-to-end AI solution for face identification running on STM32 microcontrollers.
Industrial | Smart cities
Build your own arc fault detection mechanism with edge AI.
Gestures classification on Arduino using a ToF sensor.
Smart cities
Classify traffic signs thanks to an image classification model running on a STM32H7 microcontroller.
Appliances | Agriculture
Classify coffee beans thanks to an image classification model from STM32 Model Zoo running on a STM32H7 microcontroller.
Using AI to detect and diagnose faults in linear actuators.
Predict the next day's maximum temperature to better prepare for potential disasters.
Wearables | Entertainment
Using a smartphone to recognize human activities.
Detect and classify electrical anomalies in a power system.
Using AI to determine if an electrical grid is stable.
Industrial | Transportation
Using AI to extrapolate torque and rotor temperature values to improve motor performance.
Create an AI model that predicts the quality of processed food instead of measuring it.
Industrial | Transportation
Detection and classification of motor faults for predictive maintenance.
Using AI to make your home appliances “smarter” and more energy efficient for a sustainable future.
Smart homes | Appliances | Wearables | Entertainment
Handwriting recognition on ultra-low-power MCU.
Smart buildings | Appliances | Entertainment
Hand posture recognition running on STM32F401 based on ST multizone Time-of-Flight ranging sensor.
Environment | Agriculture
Image classification on high-performance MCU. MobileNet 0.25 model from STM32 model zoo.
Environment | Agriculture
Image classification on high-performance MCU. MobileNetV2 alpha 0.35 model from STM32 model zoo.
Industrial | Appliances
Smart sensor node over BLE connectivity to simplify the configuration and to be notified in case of detection via a mobile app.
Industrial | Appliances
Learn to detect abnormal behavior at the edge on a vibrating machine.
Smart homes
Advanced solution for material recognition of floor type (hard or soft) enabled by AI technology.
Industrial | Smart cities
Equip meters with aftermarket wireless & low-power readers.
Industrial | Appliances
Learn to detect abnormal behavior at the edge on a vibrating machine.
Smart cities | Smart offices | Smart homes
Optimized computer vision using an MPU running at 8 FPS.
Industrial | Smart buildings
Predictive maintenance solution for industrial equipment.
Classification of the net vibrations with an accelerometer.
Industrial | Transportation | Smart offices | Smart buildings | Appliances
Neural Network classification based on a high-frequency analog microphone pipeline.
Predictive maintenance on motors for automatic door motors.
Industrial | Appliances
Current sensing to detect abnormal behaviors in motors.
Smart offices | Smart buildings
An innovative approach to measure people flows using an in-house thermal sensor.
Appliances | Entertainment | Toys
Trigger actions on a PC using a Time-of-Flight sensor to classify hand movements. Recognition of 3 different classes.
Smart cities | Smart offices | Smart buildings | Smart homes
Identify different environments (indoor, outdoor, in-car) using a simple microphone.
Enabling optimized maintenance systems in ships.
Smart buildings | Smart homes | Appliances
Face identification on a high-performance MPU.
Predictive maintenance solution for industrial equipment.
Industrial | Transportation
Classify data based on different types of faults in an electric drive.
Transportation | Smart offices | Smart buildings
People detection and counting on high-performance MCU.
Transportation | Smart cities | Smart offices | Smart buildings
Count the number of people passing through a door using a Time-of-Flight sensor.
Predictive maintenance applied to industrial ovens.
Wearables | Entertainment
Easily identify 5 different activities with a 3D accelerometer.
Vibration analysis to detect an abnormal behavior on a gearbox.
Smart offices | Smart buildings | Smart homes
Human detection on high-performance MCU.
Environment | Agriculture
Image classification on high-perf MCU.
Appliances | Agriculture
Image classification on high-performance MCU.
On-track predictive maintenance.
Entertainment | Toys
Analysis of the vibrations produced by the instrument to detect the chord played.
Smart buildings
Adaptive water leakage detection solution.
Appliances | Entertainment | Toys
Implementation on low-power MCU without a camera.
Predictive maintenance on high-tech industrial tools.