Entertainment | Image recognition | Vision | STM32Cube.AI | Demo
Smart mirrors for fitness: pose estimation and multi-person tracking
Track and analyze users' body movements to provide feedback on exercise with STM32N6 at 28 FPS.
Discover how to improve embedded solutions using edge AI.
Entertainment | Image recognition | Vision | STM32Cube.AI | Demo
Track and analyze users' body movements to provide feedback on exercise with STM32N6 at 28 FPS.
Object detection | Vision | STM32Cube.AI | Idea | GitHub
Detection of personal protective equipment on workers using an object detection AI model.
Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio | Video | Partner
Anomaly detection solution on industrial equipment, running on STM32 MCU.
Customer | STM32Cube.AI | Current sensor | Accelerometer | Predictive maintenance
Tire pressure monitoring solution to improve rider safety and convenience.
Human activity | Gyroscope | MEMS Studio | GitHub | Demo
Packages condition classification on sensors.
Human activity | Gyroscope | MEMS Studio | GitHub | Demo
Pose recognition and classification on a sensor.
Human activity | Gyroscope | MEMS Studio | Accelerometer | GitHub
Activity recognition and classification on a sensor.
Context awareness | Gyroscope | NanoEdge AI Studio | Accelerometer | Predictive maintenance
Low-power anomaly detection solution running on a sensor.
Partner | STM32Cube.AI | Vision | Biometric | Smart home
End-to-end AI solution for face identification running on STM32 microcontrollers.
Industrial | Smart city | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio
Build your own arc fault detection mechanism with edge AI.
Entertainment | Human interface | Time of Flight | NanoEdge AI Studio | Human activity
Gestures classification on Arduino using a ToF sensor.
Smart city | Image classification | Vision | STM32Cube.AI | Idea
Classify traffic signs thanks to an image classification model running on a STM32H7 microcontroller.
Appliances | Agriculture | Image classification | Vision | STM32Cube.AI
Classify coffee beans thanks to an image classification model from STM32 Model Zoo running on a STM32H7 microcontroller.
Industrial | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Accelerometer
Using AI to detect and diagnose faults in linear actuators.
Environment | Context awareness | Thermal sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Idea
Predict the next day's maximum temperature to better prepare for potential disasters.
Wearables | Entertainment | Human activity | Gyroscope | NanoEdge AI Studio
Using a smartphone to recognize human activities.
Industrial | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Idea
Detect and classify electrical anomalies in a power system.
Industrial | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Idea
Using AI to determine if an electrical grid is stable.
Industrial | Transportation | Predictive maintenance | Thermal sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio
Using AI to extrapolate torque and rotor temperature values to improve motor performance.
Agriculture | Predictive maintenance | Thermal sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Idea
Create an AI model that predicts the quality of processed food instead of measuring it.
Industrial | Transportation | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio
Detection and classification of motor faults for predictive maintenance.
Appliances | Asset tracking | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Demo
Using AI to make your home appliances “smarter” and more energy efficient for a sustainable future.
Appliances | Wearables | Entertainment | Smart home | Image classification
Handwriting recognition on ultra-low-power MCU.
Appliances | Entertainment | Smart building | Human interface | Time of Flight
Hand posture recognition running on STM32F401 based on ST multizone Time-of-Flight ranging sensor.
Environment | Agriculture | Image classification | Vision | STM32Cube.AI
Image classification on high-performance MCU. MobileNet 0.25 model from STM32 model zoo.
Environment | Agriculture | Image classification | Vision | STM32Cube.AI
Image classification on high-performance MCU. MobileNetV2 alpha 0.35 model from STM32 model zoo.
Industrial | Appliances | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio
Smart sensor node over BLE connectivity to simplify the configuration and to be notified in case of detection via a mobile app.
Industrial | Appliances | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio
Learn to detect abnormal behavior at the edge on a vibrating machine.
Smart home | Context awareness | Time of Flight | STM32Cube.AI | Video
Advanced solution for material recognition of floor type (hard or soft) enabled by AI technology.
Industrial | Smart city | Asset tracking | Vision | STM32Cube.AI
Equip meters with aftermarket wireless & low-power readers.
Industrial | Appliances | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio
Learn to detect abnormal behavior at the edge on a vibrating machine.
Smart city | Smart home | Smart office | Context awareness | Vision
Optimized computer vision using an MPU running at 8 FPS.
Industrial | Smart building | Predictive maintenance | Gyroscope | NanoEdge AI Studio
Predictive maintenance solution for industrial equipment.
Entertainment | Context awareness | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio | Idea
Classification of the net vibrations with an accelerometer.
Industrial | Transportation | Appliances | Smart building | Smart office
Neural Network classification based on a high-frequency analog microphone pipeline.
Transportation | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Customer
Predictive maintenance on motors for automatic door motors.
Industrial | Appliances | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio
Current sensing to detect abnormal behaviors in motors.
Smart building | Smart office | Object detection | Thermal sensor | STM32Cube.AI
An innovative approach to measure people flows using an in-house thermal sensor.
Appliances | Entertainment | Toys | Human activity | Time of Flight
Trigger actions on a PC using a Time-of-Flight sensor to classify hand movements. Recognition of 3 different classes.
Smart city | Smart home | Smart building | Smart office | Context awareness
Identify different environments (indoor, outdoor, in-car) using a simple microphone.
Industrial | Context awareness | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio | Predictive maintenance
Enabling optimized maintenance systems in ships.
Appliances | Smart home | Smart building | Biometric | Vision
Face identification on a high-performance MPU.
Industrial | Predictive maintenance | Gyroscope | NanoEdge AI Studio | Accelerometer
Predictive maintenance solution for industrial equipment.
Industrial | Transportation | Asset tracking | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio
Classify data based on different types of faults in an electric drive.
Transportation | Smart home | Smart building | Object detection | Vision
People detection and counting on high-performance MCU.
Transportation | Smart city | Smart building | Smart office | Human interface
Count the number of people passing through a door using a Time-of-Flight sensor.
Industrial | Context awareness | Gas sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance applied to industrial ovens.
Wearables | Entertainment | Human activity | Accelerometer | STM32Cube.AI
Easily identify 5 different activities with a 3D accelerometer.
Transportation | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio | Idea
Vibration analysis to detect an abnormal behavior on a gearbox.
Smart home | Smart building | Smart office | Image classification | Vision
Human detection on high-performance MCU.
Environment | Agriculture | Image classification | Vision | STM32Cube.AI
Image classification on high-perf MCU.
Appliances | Agriculture | Image classification | Vision | STM32Cube.AI
Image classification on high-performance MCU.
Transportation | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio | Customer
On-track predictive maintenance.
Entertainment | Toys | Human activity | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio
Analysis of the vibrations produced by the instrument to detect the chord played.
Smart building | Predictive maintenance | Accelerometer | NanoEdge AI Studio | Customer
Adaptive water leakage detection solution.
Appliances | Entertainment | Toys | Human interface | Time of Flight
Implementation on low-power MCU without a camera.
Industrial | Predictive maintenance | Current sensor | NanoEdge AI Studio | Accelerometer
Predictive maintenance on high-tech industrial tools.