- Our ACST series are over-voltage protected triacs that protect themselves by folding back and leading current into the load when subjected to an overvoltage.
This feature and the well-dimensioned 10 to 35 mA gate versions as well as its 800 V, 4 to 16 A range make this series ideal for appliances or equipment plugged in 24/7.
- Featuring 800 V and 5 mA gate rated devices, our ACS™ AC switches, also with overvoltage protection, are smaller devices with highly inductive load switching capabilities for home and irrigation appliances including solenoid actuators and pumps.
AC Switches belong to our STPOWER family.

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The STEVAL-SCR002V1 introduces a simple and innovative AC-DC front-end circuit that allows the designer to perform an inrush current limitation in any converter with input rectifier bridge topologies.
eDesignSuite is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use design-aid utilities ready to help you streamline the system development process with a wide range of ST products.
Power Management Design Center
Thermal-electrical Simulators for Components
Signal Conditioning Design Tool
NFC/RFID Calculators
Power Supply Design Tool
LED Lighting Design Tool
Digital Power Workbench
Power Tree Designer
AC Switches Simulator
Rectifier Diodes Simulator
Twister Sim
TVS Simulator