- X-STM32MP-IOT01E Sub-1Ghz and inertial sensor expansion board for STM32 MPU
- STEVAL-OET002V1 MDI BRR board for EMIF02-01OABRY or EMIF02-02OABRY
- STEVAL-IHP007V1 Power line communication module for street lighting
- STEVAL-IPT004V1 24-pin smartcard interface demonstration board based on the ST8034HN
- STEVAL-USBC2DP USB Type-C™ to DisplayPort™ adapter
- EVLKSTCOMET10-1 STCOMET smart meter system-on-chip development kit
- STEVAL-IME014V1B 16-channel high voltage pulser evaluation kit for ultrasound imaging applications
- P-NUCLEO-AZURE1 STM32 Nucleo pack for IoT node with Wi-Fi, sensors and NFC connected to Microsoft Azure IoT
- STEVAL-ETH001V1 Servo drive solution for multi-axial position control with Ethernet real-time
- EVALKITST7580-1 ST7580 Power Line Networking System On Chip Demonstration kit
- STEVAL-IHP005V1 General purpose power line modem module based on the ST7540 PLM and STM32 microcontroller
- STDES-8PH7TMG 8-port IO-Link master with TMG stack
- STDES-8PIOLM4P 8-port IO-Link master based on IOLM4P L6360
- STEVAL-IME016A 32-channel high-speed ultrasound pulser with integrated transmit beamformer
- STDES-IODTLIGHT IO-Link actuator for industrial tower light based on L6364
- STDES-8CHDOUTPT 8-channel digital output L6364 IO-Link hub
- STEVAL-IME018A Dual channels 100 V, 3 A linear amplifier and 2 A pulser transmitter
- STEVAL-IME017A 64-channel high-speed ultrasound pulser with integrated transmit beamformer
- STDES-8CHDINPUT 8-channel digital input IO-Link hub based on L6364
- STEVAL-IPE023V1 USB interface tool for STPMxx family of energy meter ICs
- STEVAL-IPP003V1 General purpose xPSK power line communication module
- STEVAL-STRKT01 LoRa® IoT tracker
- EVLIOL4LSV1 IO-Link actuator for industrial tower light based on L6364Q and IPS4260L
- STEVAL-IME011V2 Evaluation board based on the STHV748S high voltage pulser
- STEVAL-OET003V1 Evaluation board for automotive-grade ESD protection
- EVALKITST8500-1 ST8500 Programmable power line communication modem System on Chip evaluation kit
- STEVAL-IOD003V1 IO-Link (PHY) device expansion board based on L6362A
- STEVAL-OET004V1 USB Type-C protection and filtering demo PCB
- STEVAL-IOM001V1 IO-Link master evaluation board based on L6360 equipped with ST morpho connectors for STM32 Nucleo
- EVALKITSTKNX Miniature transceiver STKNX evaluation and development kit
- STEVAL-4KNXDVCB Design board for 4 channels KNX actuator device applications
- STEVAL-IDS001V4 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 868 MHz - USB dongle
- STEVAL-IDS001V3 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 433 MHz - USB dongle
- STEVAL-IDS001V5 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 915 MHz - USB dongle
- STDES-IOD002V1 Dual channel IO-Link device reference design based on L6364Q and STM32L051
- STDES-CBMLoRaBLE System platform with multiconnectivity and multisensors for IIoT application
- STEVAL-BLUEMIC-1 Ultra-low power Bluetooth® low energy microphone based on SPBTLE-1S certified module
- STEVAL-CCM007V2 STM32-based NAND Flash driver demonstration board (with TFT MB785/P)
- STEVAL-IPP002V1 IEC 61334-5-1 compliant smart meter system for AMI application based on STM32, ST7570 PLM and STPMC1/STPMS1 chipset
- STEVAL-IDS001V2 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - USB dongle
- STEVAL-IPT007V1 Smart card interface evaluation board based on the ST8034HC
- STEVAL-IME013V1 Cost effective ultrasound pulser IC evaluation board based on the STHV800
- STEVAL-IDP003V1 IO-Link industrial modular sensor board based on L6362A
- EVALKITST75MM-1 ST75MM METERS AND MORE® compliant power line communication demonstration kit
- STEVAL-IPT006V1 Smart card interface demo board based on the ST8034AT
- STEVAL-IPT005V1 Smart card interface evaluation board based on the ST8034P
- STEVAL-XPLM01CPL Power line communication AC coupling circuit
- STEVAL-IME009V1 STHV800 Ultrasound Pulser IC evaluation board
- STEVAL-IOL8DICB IO-Link device with 8 digital input channels based on L6364
- STEVAL-ASTRA1B Multiconnectivity asset tracking reference design based on STM32WB5MMG and STM32WL55JC
- STEVAL-BFA001V2B IO-Linkスタックv.1.1を含む予知保全向けマルチセンサ搭載開発キット
- STEVAL-STKNX1CB New generation miniature transceiver STKNX evaluation and development kit
- X-STM32MP-IOT01A Sub-1Ghz and inertial sensors expansion board for STM32 MPU
- STEVAL-IKR002V5D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 915 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
- STEVAL-IHP002V2 Smartplug system to measure and control AC loads based on the STM32, ST7540 PLM and STPM01
- STEVAL-IKR001V2 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - FULL KIT
- STEVAL-IOD002V1 Dual channel IO-Link device expansion board based on L6364W for STM32 Nucleo
- STEVAL-IOL8DOCB IO-Link device with 8 digital output channels based on L6364
- STEVAL-BFA001V1B Predictive maintenance kit with sensors and IO-Link capability
- EVLKST8500GH-2 ST8500 Hybrid PLC&RF connectivity development kit
- STDES-MONARCH Sigfox Monarch reference design based on S2-LP and BlueNRG-2
- STEVAL-IMR002V1 2 kW/100 V RF demonstration board for 3 T MRI based on the STAC4932B
- STEVAL-PCC018V1 UART to USB bridge
- P-NUCLEO-USB002 STUSB1602 USB Type-C and Power Delivery Nucleo Pack with NUCLEO-F072RB
- P-NUCLEO-CLD1 STM32Nucleo pack for IoT node with Wi-Fi, sensors and NFC connected to the cloud
- STDES-BFTAG01 Battery-free light sensor tag based on STM32L0 and BlueNRG-2
- STEVAL-IDP004V2 IO-Link master multi-port evaluation board based on L6360
- STEVAL-IME015V1 Evaluation board based on the STHV64SW high voltage switch matrix for ultrasound imaging applications
- STDES-HARMONYKNX Reference design board for KNX touch panel
- STDES-KNXKNOB Reference design board for KNX knob
- STEVAL-OET001V1 LCP154DJF board to validate lightning protection for SLIC transceivers
- STEVAL-PCC017V1 USB to RS-232 isolated bridge
- STEVAL-IKR001V2D SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 315 MHz - DAUGHTER BOARD
- STEVAL-USBI2CFT USB to I2C evaluation board for interfacing wireless applications with PC GUI tool
- STEVAL-STMODLTE LTE connectivity expansion board for STMod+ connector compatible evaluation boards
- STEVAL-IKR002V5 SPIRIT1 - Low Data Rate Transceiver - 915 MHz - FULL KIT
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