Product overview
Key Benefits

Save time connecting STM32H7RS to the cloud!
Thanks to our reference implementations combining cloud connectivity and security.
The X-CUBE-AWS-H7S Expansion Package consists of an adaptation of the Amazon FreeRTOS™ STM32U5 IoT reference integration ported to the STM32H7S78-DK Discovery kit acting as an end device.
X-CUBE-AWS-H7S proposes an example project that exposes the following functionalities to the user: telemetry, shadows, device defender, jobs, and over-the-air firmware update. The telemetry data consists in the count of the IP packets going in and out of the network interface.
The device credentials and settings are encrypted by a derived hardware unique key (DHUK) and saved in the external flash memory of the STM32H7S78-DK Discovery kit.
The user application is stored encrypted in the external flash memory, and loaded into the external RAM by the secure bootloader. The traffic to and from the external RAM is encrypted on-the-fly by the MCU hardware, keeping the copy of the user application and data secret to the device.
All features
- Ready-to-run firmware example using Ethernet connectivity to support the quick evaluation and development of Amazon Web Services® cloud-connected applications based on the STM32H7S7L8 microcontroller
- Amazon FreeRTOS™ IoT reference integration for the STM32H7S78-DK Discovery kit
- Ethernet
- Configurable TCP/IP stack
- TLS encryption
- Secure boot
- Secure firmware update
- Secure storage of private key and user data
- AWS IoT Core™ multi-account registration
- AWS IoT Core™ just-in-time registration (with a user-managed root CA)
- AWS IoT Core™ connection, device shadow, jobs, defender
- AWS IoT Core™ OTA firmware update
- Telemetry
- Command-line interface:
- Device provisioning
- Configuration saving to NVM
- Monitoring of the FreeRTOS™ kernel tasks and their memory usage