Explore the new STM32 Motor Control SDK 5.0

Learn how the new STM32 Motor Control SDK v5.0 makes motor control design faster and easier

STMicroelectronics’ newly-released 5.0 version of the advanced Motor Control Software Development Kit (SDK) offers an improved development approach by integrating the Motor Control Workbench GUI with a workflow supporting the STM32CubeMX GUI configurator.  The SDK v5.0 includes multiple advanced features including the Motor Profiler for automatic measurement of the electromechanical parameters of PMSM motors.

This new and improved version of the SDK provides engineers with a more complete motor control ecosystem to implement the high performance and high efficiency solutions required for standalone and IoT motor control applications of the future.

Featured STM32 Motor Control SDK 5.0 Events


Hands-on Seminars

Attend our free one-day, hands-on seminar to receive a Free STM32 Motor Control Nucleo Pack and learn how to use the Motor Control SDK v5.0 to characterize, control and tune a three-phase BLDC motor using the P-Nucleo-IHM002 Motor Control Nucleo Pack.

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On-demand Webinar

Watch this free one-hour recorded webinar to learn how to get started using new Motor Control SDK v5.0 from STMicroelectronics, and how it can be used to characterize, control and tune a three-phase BLDC motor using the P-Nucleo-IHM002 Motor Control Nucleo Pack.

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Technology Tours

Join us at one of our free annual 2018 Tech Tour events for an STM32 & Motor Control Hands-on training session, where you will receive a complementary STM32 Motor Control Nucleo Pack and learn how to use the Motor Control SDK v5.0 to develop motor control applications.

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