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Industrial sensors

The Industry 4.0 revolution is now underway with new sensing technologies able to respond to highly demanding industrial requirements. Increased processing power in industrial sensor nodes with modern microcontrollers and wired or wireless connectivity with cloud servers are opening entirely new IIoT device possibilities across Smart Factory applications. They range from industrial robots and cobots to industrial process sensing and factory automation, from tilt sensing and warehouse inventory management to vibration analysis of rotating machinery, and human presence detection.

Position and motion monitoring

There are many different Position and Motion Monitoring sensors used in industrial sensor nodes to detect the position and orientation of objects or their displacement and rotation along one or more axes.
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Modern factory automation applications require industrial-grade sensors with high resolution and accuracy, extended temperature range and the stability to continue operation in adverse conditions, such as shocks and vibrations, dust and other particles, noise, emissions, and radiation, including direct sunlight. At the same time, battery operated solutions must be very power conservative, compact, and come in robust packages. Industrial sensors must be calibrated for highest possible accuracy and offer longevity commitments for long lifetime designs.

ST innovation

ST is behind the innovation of high volume MEMS technology for many different motion sensor families used in industrial applications, from accelerometers, inclinometers, gyroscopes to dedicated vibration and pressure sensors, as well as Time-of-Flight sensors.

We are also leader in ARM® Cortex® based 32-bit microcontrollers for implementations ranging from simple devices to complex infrastructures. Sensor data integrity and security are ensured with STM32Trust framework using STSAFE Secure Element. ST also provides a comprehensive set of free-of-charge and certified Functional Safety packages based on robust built-in STM32 MCU safety features. This is complemented with an optimized analog portfolio for signal conditioning and power management, and the necessary EMI/ESD protection components for industrial environments.

Complete solution

Sensors are provided with C-drivers, sensor fusion middleware and SW source code examples for many industrial applications, from high-speed data logging to state-of-art Machine Learning in sensor cores, as well as Artificial Intelligence expansion software in the STM32CubeMX environment.

Industrial sensor development tools and connectivity

Industrial sensor development tools and connectivity

The STWIN Wireless Industrial Node development kit includes a selection of the latest ST industrial sensors in conjunction with ARM Cortex-M4 MCU and wireless Bluetooth Low Energy module, as well as support for WiFi, LoRa and NB-IoT connectivity and wired USB and RS-485 interfaces. A further solution featuring IO-Link connectivity kit is also available. These are supported with various SW code examples to help designers get started with their own projects. You will find a great deal of information regarding the various wired and wireless industrial connectivity options in our industrial connectivity section.

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