We prioritize people

people-st-hero people-st-hero people-st-hero

Responsible. 80% of ST employees covered by social audits.

Engaged. 87% of employees voted ST as a great place to work.

Safe. 0.10 Recordable case rate for ST employees (injuries).

*in 2023

People are our greatest asset. We value health and safety, people’s rights, diversity, and the employee experience.

Safety is more than a priority; it is a value that must never be compromised
Damien Tisserand - Director Corporate Safety, Loss Prevention, Chemicals & EHS Audits

Ensuring health, safety and well-being

Deploying health and well-being programs everywhere such as ST Health Plan, psychological risk prevention and assistance.

Ensuring high standard of work environment, all manufacturing sites being ISO 45001 certified.

Promoting continuous improvement and shared vigilance, strengthening safe behaviors, and building engagement through positive reinforcement.

Our commitment is formally stated in our
Corporate Occupational Health & Safety Policy, approved by the board of Directors

SG #4 ≤2% Severity Rate each year. (work-related injuries and illnesses, including contractors)

SG #4 ≤2 % Severity Rate each year. (work-related injuries and illnesses, including contractors)

SG #3 ≤0.15% Recordable Case Rate by 2025. (work-related injuries and illnesses, including contractors)

SG #3 ≤0.15 % Recordable Case Rate by 2025. (work-related injuries and illnesses, including contractors)

Fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment

Fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment

We foster an inclusive culture where you can be your true self. We want you to be the real you, because your difference is our strength.

  • SG #7
    Recruit 30% of women in all exempt positions
  • SG #8
    Reach at least 20% of womenReach 25% of women in our management by 2025
diversity-mosaic-people-portraits diversity-mosaic-people-portraits
People must be respected and valued whoever they are.
Sheila D'Annunzio - Director, Corporate Social Responsibility
and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our commitment to labor and human rights

Our commitment to labor and human rights

Labor and human rights are at the core of our values and we are committed to a zero-tolerance approach to forced labor. We demonstrate this through rigorous and continued monitoring of priority topics in our own operations, such as working time, prevention of forced labor, non-discrimination, freedom of association, minimum age requirements and young workers protection, fair wages.

This commitment is formally stated in our Corporate Labor & Human rights Procedure.

SG #5
of manufacturing sites recognized for social responsibility by 2025.

And as a member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) since 2005, and currently a full member, we are committed to following the standards of the RBA code of conduct V7 and apply a due diligence approach based on commitment, risk assessment, audit programs, improvement actions, performance monitoring and communication.

In addition to covering our own employees, we also address labor and human rights in our Supply Chain.

SG #5
100% of manufacturing sites recognized for social responsibility by 2025.​
SG #20
100% of our at-risk suppliers are assessed and audited every year.
SG #20
of our at-risk suppliers are assessed and audited every year.

Offering a great experience

Attracting, training and retaining a diverse talented workforce is at the core of our growth strategy.

We foster a strong spirit of enterprise, cooperation, responsibility and leadership. Our ambition is to offer the best employee experience in all the locations where we operate.

Apply now

Offering a great experience

Attracting, training and retaining a diverse talented workforce is at the core of our growth strategy.

We foster a strong spirit of enterprise, cooperation, responsibility and leadership. Our ambition is to offer the best employee experience in all the locations where we operate.

Apply now

Robust & impactful programs

In a fast-changing, high-tech industry like ours, it makes sense to attract and develop the best employees. We want our people to grow and blossom to constantly maintain excellence in our products and technologies, satisfy customers and meet the new demands of the market.

Women in Leadership program
RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) audits at our main manufacturing sites
53 strategic partnerships with universities
Unconscious Bias workshops
STCare 24/7 psychological support
Annual STAR Award corporate recognition

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SDGs set by the United Nations define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030.
As a multinational company, we believe we have a responsibility and
a role to play in helping achieve these goals.