Product overview
The Smart Reset™ devices provide a useful feature that ensures inadvertent short reset push-button closures do not cause system resets. This is done by implementing extended Smart Reset™ input delay time (tSRC) and combined push-button inputs, which together ensures a safe reset and eliminates the need for a specific dedicated reset button.
This reset configuration provides versatility and allows the application to distinguish between a software generated interrupt and a hard system reset. When the input push-buttons are connected to microcontroller interrupt inputs, and are closed for a short time, the processor can only be interrupted. If the system still does not respond properly, continuing to keep the push-buttons closed for the extended setup time tSRCcauses a hard reset of the processor through the reset output.
The STM6524 has two combined delayed Smart Reset™ inputs (SR0,SR1) with preset delayed Smart Reset™ setup time (tSRC). The reset output is asserted after both of the Smart Reset™ inputs were held active for the selected tSRCdelay time. Depending on selected option theRSToutput remains asserted either until at least oneSRinput goes to inactive logic level (i.e. neither fixed nor minimum reset pulse width is set) or the output reset pulse duration is fixed for tREC(i.e. factory-programmed). The reset output,RST, is active low or active high, push-pull or open drain with optional pull-up resistor. The device fully operates over a broad VCCrange 1.65 V to 5.5 V. Below 1.575 V typ. the inputs are ignored and outputs are deasserted; the deasserted reset output levels are then valid down to 1.0 V.
All features
- Operating voltage 1.65 V to 5.5 V
- Low supply current 1.5 μA
- Integrated test mode
- Dual Smart Reset™ push-button inputs with fixed extended reset setup delay (tSRC) from 0.5 s to 10 s in 0.5 s steps (typ.), option with internal pull-up resistor
- Push-button controlled reset pulse duration
- Option 1: fully push-button controlled, no fixed or minimum pulse width guaranteed
- Option 2: defined output reset pulse duration (tREC), factory-programmed
- No power-on reset
- Single reset output
- Active low or active high
- Push-pull or open drain with optional pull-up resistor
- Fixed Smart Reset™ input logic voltage levels
- Operating temperature: –40 C to +85 C
- UDFN6 package: 1.6 mm x 1.3 mm
- ECOPACK®2 (RoHS compliant, Halogen-Free)
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EDA Symbols, Footprints and 3D Models
Quality and Reliability
Part Number | Marketing Status | Package | Grade | RoHS Compliance Grade | Material Declaration** |
STM6524AHARDL6F | Active | QFN-6L P 0.4 mm | Industrial | Ecopack3 | |
STM6524ALABDL6F | Active | QFN-6L P 0.4 mm | Industrial | Ecopack3 | |
STM6524ALARDL6F | Active | QFN-6L P 0.4 mm | Industrial | Ecopack3 | |
STM6524APARDL6F | Active | QFN-6L P 0.4 mm | Industrial | Ecopack3 | |
STM6524AUABDL6F | Active | QFN-6L P 0.4 mm | Industrial | Ecopack3 | |
STM6524AUARDL6F | Active | QFN-6L P 0.4 mm | Industrial | Ecopack3 |
QFN-6L P 0.4 mmMaterial Declaration**:
QFN-6L P 0.4 mmMaterial Declaration**:
QFN-6L P 0.4 mmMaterial Declaration**:
(**) The Material Declaration forms available on may be generic documents based on the most commonly used package within a package family. For this reason, they may not be 100% accurate for a specific device. Please contact our sales support for information on specific devices.
Sample & Buy
Part Number | Marketing Status | Budgetary Price (US$)*/Qty | Order from ST | Order from distributors | Package | Packing Type | RoHS | Country of Origin | ECCN (US) | ECCN (EU) | Operating temperature (°C) | Operating Temperature (°C) (max) | Reset pulse width (mS) (min) | Reset pulse width (mS) (max) | ||
min | max | |||||||||||||||
STM6524AHARDL6F | | | distributors No availability of distributors reported, please contact our sales office |
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STM6524AUARDL6F | | | distributors No availability of distributors reported, please contact our sales office |
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STM6524ALARDL6F | | | distributors No availability of distributors reported, please contact our sales office |
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STM6524AUABDL6F | | | distributors No availability of distributors reported, please contact our sales office |
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STM6524ALABDL6F | | | distributors No availability of distributors reported, please contact our sales office |
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STM6524APARDL6F | | | distributors No availability of distributors reported, please contact our sales office |
STM6524AHARDL6F Active
STM6524AUARDL6F Active
STM6524ALARDL6F Active
STM6524AUABDL6F Active
STM6524ALABDL6F Active
STM6524APARDL6F Active
(*) Suggested Resale Price (USD) per defined quantity for BUDGETARY USE ONLY. For quotes, prices in local currency, please contact your local ST Sales Office or our Distributors