With a triple core, 6-axis architecture, the LSM6DSV16X Inertial Measurement Unit can handle advanced processing in the edge, making it ideal for advanced 3D phone mapping, context awareness in laptops and tablets, reliable and precise gesture recognition in AR and VR headsets, and always-on tracking in wearables.
LSM6DSV16X enables sensor fusion low power (SFLP), on-the-fly self-configuration, and AI algorithms.
FIFO up to 4.5 KB | Digital interfaces SPI / I²C & MIPI I3C® v1.1 serial | Independent IO supply 1.08 V to 3.6 V | Embedded QVar Yes | Smart feature processing in the edge Machine Learning Core (MLC), Sensor Fusion Low Power (SFLP), Finite State Machine (FSM), Adaptive Self Configuration (ASC) |
Accelerometer full scale ±2/ ±4/ ±8/ 16 g | Gyroscope full scale ±125/ ±250/ ±500/ ±1000/ ±2000/ ±4000 dps |