OpenSTLinux expansion packages (X-LINUX-xxx) can be combined with STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux distribution to enable the use of additional components for a specific feature such as AI-based computer vision, real-time Linux, or GNSS applications. X-LINUX components can be used as add-ons only or may be combined with hardware shields, such as NFC or IoT expansion boards.
In addition to the required extension software, the packages include example code for implementations running on specific ST development boards. The software architecture allows quick and easy adaptation to user-specific hardware configurations. To ensure easy integration into the STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux distribution, each expansion package includes the meta-layer of the OpenEmbedded framework, which contains all software components required to demonstrate the specific application or example. The metal-layer is provided either by ST or Authorized partners, depending on the product demonstrations.
- Image classification
- Object detection
- Face recognition applications
Product types:
These packages are also compatible with STM32Cube embedded software libraries and tools whenever the Arm® Cortex®-A core is used.

Discover our portfolio

- Expand your capabilities and address new applications
- Use example code for implementations running on development boards
- Leverage our extensive STM32Cube environment for your development
- Each STM32 MPU OpenSTLinux expansion package contains:
- Binaries, scripts, frameworks needed to demonstrate a feature
- Device trees generated by the STM32CubeMX graphical configuration tool and the STM32Cube firmware binary to be loaded in the Arm® Cortex®-M coprocessor
- Readme file to explain how to use the meta-layer and pointing out where to download a source code of the STM32Cube firmware binary
- CubeMX.ioc file to regenerate the device tree configuration