- EB tresos Autocore SW AUTOSAR BSW components to be integrated with ST MCAL
- SMART ICT Map specific test functions via microcontroller
- Kudelski IoT - IoT Secure SW Client APIs to manage all aspects of protecting your digital and physical assets
- SEGGER emCrypt The Cryptographic Library for Secure Applications
- SEGGER emCompress Highly efficient embedded compression libraries
- CAN Bootloaders CAN Bootloaders embedded software
- SEGGER emSSL Create secure connections between a client and a server
- UDS server (UDSonCAN) The emotas UDSonCAN server can be used on top of all emotas' CAN stacks: RawCAN, CANopen and J1939. An ISO-TP implementationis included.
- SEGGER emSecure Create and verify digital signatures
- SEGGER emLoad The Embedded Bootloader Solution
- SEGGER emLib Extremely efficient single-purpose modules for AES- and DES-encryption as well as CRC-checksums
- Micro Digital SMX® RTOS SMX is a no-royalty modular RTOS for embedded systems
- SEGGER emFile The Embedded File System
- SEGGER emSSH The Secure Shell for Trusted Access
- Ubiquitous DeviceSQL 組み込み機器向けのコンパクトで高速なデータベース
- Micro Digital smxFS, smxFFS, and smxFLog FAT, FFS, and Logging file systems
- Ubiquitous USB Host USB Host ドライバーおよびClassドライバーパッケージ。 サポートされているクラスドライバーは、Hub, Mass storage, SIC, PTP, MTP, Audioなどです。
- Micro Digital SecureSMX® Micro Digital SecureSMX Secure RTOS
- Ubiquitous QuickBoot Linux/Androidの高速起動ソリューション
- CommScope Zero-Touch Certificate Provisioning Client Client software that provisions manufacturer-, customer-, or application-specific device identities into on-board secure elements in IoT devices
- Micro Digital smxNS and smxNS6 TCP/IPv4 and IPv6 stacks
- Micro Digital smxUSBH, smxUSBD, and smxUSBO USB host, device, and OTG stacks
- I-CUBE-CESIUM Cesium software expansion for STM32Cube
- DALI Stack Develop DALI-compatible devices according to DALI 2 standard in a very short time
- MCCI USB DataPump Solution to design high-perf. multi-function USB devices
- TrulyNatural Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) with Dynamic Natural Language Understanding
- TrulySecure The fusion of face & voice biometric authentication creates a highly secure, hassle free experience.
- BBACnet Stack The be-all and end-all for developing BACnet-compliant applications
- SCIOPTA FTL Flash Transition Layer
- TrulySecure Speaker Verification & SoundID Recognize sounds, verify speakers, and identify scenes via environmental sounds.
- Tuxera Embedded Encryption Manager (EEM) Secure embedded systems using multiple encryption or hash algorithms through a uniform interface
- Tuxera FAT File System FAT File systems for flash storage media
- Tuxera IPSec/IKE Security in embedded apps (cars, PoS, medical, industrial)
- Safe DEMON Safe DEMON solution uses Artificial Intelligence to achieve early detection of driver health conditions.
- eXtremeDB Embedded Database System Software
- eXtremeDB/rt Embedded Database System Software
- MultiZone™ Security Software Defined Hardware Enforced Security for IoT's
- Gizwits GAgent Application program for a two-way data communication between upper-layer applications & devices
- Gizwits I-CUBE-GIZWITS Gizwits IoT software expansion for STM32Cube
- Starling Positioning Engine High-precision positioning engine designed for automotive applications fully compatible with Teseo V and TeseoAPP
- LVGL Light and Versatile Graphics Library
- wolfSentry wolfSentry is a universal, dynamic, embedded IDPS (intrusion detection and prevention system)
- wolfCrypt FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-3 is a mandatory standard for the protection of sensitive or valuable data within Federal systems
- MTCOS Flex-ID OS for electronic ID documents
- On-Chip Cyber Security Full support for on-chip security.
- Secure Key Programming & Provisioning Secure onboard key programming & provisioning.
- B-Secur Heartkey Embedded ECG Algorithm Library for userID, Health & Wellness
- Port PROFINET PROFINET protocol stack/lib. for compliant coms
- Percepio DevAlert Provides awareness of issues in IoT device SW
- Port CC-LinkIE TSN Slave Stack for Remote Slave Station implementation
- DTLS 1.3 The DTLS 1.3 standard has recently been published in April 2022 in RFC 9147
- IoTConnect IoT Platform as a Service
- Tuxera Fail-safe File System All Flash File Systems with fail-safe mechanisms for STM32
- DO-178 wolfSSL offers DO-178 wolfCrypt as a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution for connected avionics applications
- EC-Master EtherCAT Master Stack Full-featured, high performance EtherCAT Master Software for embedded systems
- Mongoose Web Server Library Open source Embedded Web Server and Networking Library (HTTP/Websocket/MQTT) for C/C++
- LORIOT gateway firmware STM32F7 gateway firmware to LORIOT LoRaWAN Network Server
- TAPKO KNX KAIstack KAIstack together with EnergyLite for STM8 and STM32
- STH50 LoRaWAN firmware Proprietary binary FW of LoRaWAN, Sigfox stack control
- WITTENSTEIN SAFERTOS CORE RTOS with safety but no need for certification
- I-CUBE-EMBOS embOS software expansion for STM32Cube
- I-CUBE-ANJAY LwM2M software expansion pack for STM32Cube
- SEGGER emUSB-Device High performance USB-Device software
- CMX-MicroNet TCP/IP v4 with small footprint for STM32
- Percepio Tracealyzer for Azure RTOS ThreadX Visual trace diagnostics for embedded SW development
- SEGGER emNet The TCP/IP stack for embedded devices
- SEGGER emWin A Standard Embedded Graphics Library
- CANpie FD driver CANpie FD provides a common interface for various microcontrollers to communicate using CAN (including CAN FD) protocols.
- Tuxera SafeTCPIP A complete TCP/IP v4 stack for safety-critical automotive, industrial, or medical embedded systems
- MCCI Catena® Arduino LMIC LoRaWAN written in C
- Percepio Tracealyzer for Linux Visual trace diagnostics to check runtime systems
- SEGGER emUSB-Host USB host software for Embedded Systems
- MCCI TrueTask® USB host stack Embedded USB host stack
- Embed Secured Multi-image Bootloader Automotive UDS cyber secure, multi-image bootloader
- CycurHSM Powerful security software for your ECU
- Dual Stack OMS? v4.5.1 + LoRaWAN? v1.0.4 for End Devices This software is an implementation of the Wireless M-Bus (EN 13757-3/-4/-7) standard for meters, which is also compliant to OMS? Specification, and the LoRaWAN? Specification.
- PX5 RTOS Advanced, safety-certified Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) with native POSIX pthread API
- FreeRTOS Kernel Open source real time operating system for MCUs and small MPUs
- ClarinoxBlue Bluetooth protocol stack Comprehensive Bluetooth and BLE stack solution
- ClarinoxWiFi protocol stack Comprehensive Wi-Fi drivers to support wide range of OS/RTOS choices
- STM32WB55 Matter Provisioning Client An ST-CommScope pre-integrated manufacturing client package is designed to provision the STM32WB55 device with a CSA Matter Device Attestation Certificate (DAC)
- MTCOS 2.5 & 2.6 Professional Secure OS for electronic ID and travel documents
- CycloneIPSEC IPsec / IKEv2 Library for STM32
- CycloneACME ACME Client Library for STM32
- CycloneEAP 802.1X / EAP Library for STM32
- TEConcept IO-Link Device Software Stack Way to integrate state-of-the-art IO-Link technology
- TEConcept IO-Link Master Software Stack IO-Link Master Stack and gateway application (IMS-LSS-DL)
- I-CUBE-T2-STW Talaria TWO software expansion for STM32Cube and STM32Lx Series
- mioty? Stack for End Devices The mioty? Stack for End Devices is based on ETSI standard TS 103357. Comprehensive support and maintenance complete the product offering.
- ISIT J1939 Stack ISIT J1939 Stack compatible with ST MCUs
- wolfSSL The wolfSSL embedded SSL library is a lightweight SSL/TLS library written in ANSI C
- Vivaldi sound recognition platform An AI-powered sound recognition product oriented to vehicles, industrial and smart cities applications
- Universal Gateway (UGW) Field-proven high performance routing engine, fully OS and platform independent; true post-build configuration support
- I-CUBE-T2-U5 Talaria TWO software expansion for STM32Cube and STM32U5 Series
- Universal Data Manager (UDM) Non-relational in-memory database enabling vehicle-wide communication without code generation; flexible through post-build configuration support
- Distributed Communication Framework (CDCF) CDCF simplifies real-time aware inter-core communication within Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) architecture
- Vector MICROSAR Embedded SW Software components, services, projects and embedded hardware for creating embedded systems
- NeuraSense NeuraSense is a set of sensing AI libraries for consumer, automotive and industrial applications optimized for the edge
- MPE MPE is a motion processing software that fuses data from multiple inertial sensors to provide more accurate and reliable information.
- Anjay LwM2M SDK Free and open-source SDK written in C enabling you to rapidly build LwM2M-enabled IoT devices.
- Dual Stack OMS® v4.5.1 + OMS® over LoRaWAN® for End Devices This software is an implementation of the Wireless M-Bus (EN 13757-3/-4/-7) standard for meters, which is also compliant to OMS? and especially TR06.
- embOS-Safe embOS priority-controlled RTOS for embedded real time application certified for safety
- TEConcept IO-Link Device Bootloader Stack for FW Upgrade profile IO-Link Device Stack Bootloader stack for Firmware Upgrade profile integration
- OMS® v4.5.1 Stack for Gateway Devices The OMS? v4.5.1 Protocol Stack for Gateway Devices is compliant to EN 13757-3/-4 (Wireless M-Bus) and OMS? Specification.
- Memfault Platform Observability solution for embedded devices
- QuarkLink Agnostic SW package providing a IoT security management platform
- Percepio Tracealyzer Reveal the runtime world, power up SW development
- ARGUS Solution Suites Security solution for connected cars
- TrulyHandsfree Groundbreaking voice recognition software for low-power wake words and small command sets.
- CANopen CANopen Master/Slave stack with communication services
- J1939 SAE J1939 protocol stack
- EmSPARK™ IoT Security suite Embedded security software and tools for ARM TrustZone enabled MPUs enabling secure boot and update, IP protection, lifecycle management
- Emcraft Embedded Linux Professionally supported Embedded Linux & uClinux distribution for STM32 MPUs & MCUs
- Camera Hand Tracking and Gesture Recognition Software Hand tracking and gesture recognition embedded software for third-party RGB, NIR, or Depth camera modules
- Alcineo EMV CT1 Protocol stack for smartcard readers
- FoundriesFactory Embedded SW Develop, customize, deploy, and OTA maintain secure firmware, Linux OS and applications on IoT/Edge devices
- Linux microPlatform (LmP) Open source secure uBoot firmware and OE/Yocto customizable Linux distribution for IoT & Edge
- Embedded Office Safety AddOns Pre-certified software component for seamless integration of mandatory safety measures in safety-critical systems
- KORE IMP impOS Edge platform with device security, connectivity
- Arm Keil FuSa RTS Set of embedded software components qualified for use in safety-critical applications
- Port POWERLINK POWERLINK protocol stack/lib. for compliant coms
- QiSpace for uLoadXLQ Quantum secure bootloader.
- CycurGATE Automotive Firewall
- QiSpace for Application Security Quantum secure asymmetric, and symmetric encryption algorithms that can be used to digitally sign and/or encrypt application data elements.
- QiSpace for X-Cube-Azure and X-Cube-AWS Add-on for X-Cube-Azure to support quantum secure device to Azure communications and add-on for X-Cube-AWS to support quantum secure device to AWS communications
- Kineis stack Software library including the frame builder
- CycloneSSH SSH / SCP / SFTP Library for STM32
- Cyber Security Intelligence Cybersecurity software package
- ITTIA DB ITTIA DB is a purpose-built database for embedded systems that offers real-time insight for data endpoints such as sensors, actuators, and more
- PerCV.ai Vision AI Platform Computer Vision AI Platform that streamlines and speeds up the Vision AI product development.
- INTEGRITY® Real-Time Operating System The INTEGRITY® real-time operating system is certified at the highest level of safety and security for embedded systems
- L4Re Hypervisor The open source L4Re Micro Hypervisor provides safe and secure Virtualization for MCU Systems
- CycloneSTP STP / RSTP Library for STM32 (Spanning Tree Protocol)
- ISIT CANopen Safety Certifiable SIL 2/SIL 3 protocol Stack CANopen Safety Certifiable SIL2 / SIL3 stack
- ISIT CANopen Safety protocol Stack Adds Safety Extension to meet the Safety requirements of CANopen development
- µ-velOSity Real Time Operating System Real Time Operating System
- Embedded Office Flexible Safety RTOS Pre-certified real-time OS offering exceptional timing, space protection, and flexibility for safety-critical applications
- CycloneBOOT Embedded Secure Bootloader via TCP/IP for STM32
- S2OPC Open-source, cyber resilient, fast and scalable, S2OPC is your go-to solution for OPC UA
- Embedded Wizard for Graphical User Interface Development Software and tools enabling smartphone-line graphical user interfaces on embedded devices
- ISIT CANopen protocol stack Rapid implementation of CANopen protocol in an embedded development
- I-CUBE-WOLFSSL wolfSSL software expansion for STM32Cube
- WITTENSTEIN Safety Plugins Safety plugins source and Design Assurance Pack.
- WITTENSTEIN Enhanced Security Module Enhanced Security Module
- OP-TEE OP-TEE is a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
- FusionEngine Positioning Engine High precision positioning engine for TeseoV
- Welma Welma is a customizable Yocto-based Linux platform including a Linux distribution & its DevOps platform
- Wired M-Bus / OMS® v4.5.1 Stack for Master Devices This software is an implementation of the standards EN 13757-2/-3/-7, together with the OMS® specification 4.5.1, dedicated to specifying wired communication for M-Bus
- Mender Over the Air update solution
- Mongoose OS Open source IoT Firmware Development Framework (OTA, flash encryption)
- Micro Digital eheap Embedded heap manager
- Qt for Device Creation Development framework for embedded platforms
- Customer Specific Board Support Package Service Development of specific Board Support Packages
- eBUS Edge Convert any device into a GigE Vision, GeniCam compliant device
- CycloneTCP TCP/IP Stack for STM32 (dual IPv4 & IPv6)
- RT-Thread RTOS An open-source embedded real-time operating system (RTOS) that provides rich components and 200+ software packages for the IoT
- Digi TrustFence Digi TrustFence shields products from their design and ConnectCore Security Services keeps them secure throughout their entire lifecycle.
- Digi Embedded Yocto Complete, open-source Linux solution based on the Yocto Project incl. TrustFence security, wireless integration, low power optimizations and more
- Port CANOpen Supported by a powerful Design Tool
- Port EtherCAT EtherCAT protocol stack/lib. for compliant coms
- CycloneSSL TLS 1.3 / DTLS 1.2 Library for STM32
- Port Ethernet/IP EtherNet/IP protocol stack/lib.or compliant coms
- Tuxera Reliance Sense Smart-meter File System (SMFS) custom-designed for smart energy & smart-meter applications
- IEC 60870-5-101 Library The source code library implementing serial communication between a control station and substation
- I-CUBE-NETX netX chip interface software expansion for STM32Cube
- Actility gateway firmware STM32F7 gateway firmware to ACTILITY LoRaWAN Network Server
- ST SPC5 AUTOSAR MCAL A full set of AUTOSAR MCAL drivers and Complex Device Drivers (CDD) for SPC5 MCUs, developed according to an ISO 26262 certified process
- Bluewind iMCAL (industrial Micro Controller Abstraction Layer) framework Engineering framework of software drivers which speeds the Functional Safety certification under IEC 61508 and reduces time to market.
- WITTENSTEIN CONNECT Middleware TCP/IP, USB and File System components
- RTA-BSW AUTOSAR Basic Software
- RTA-VRTE AUTOSAR platform software framework for vehicle computers.
- CycurLIB crypto library
- CycurIDS Intrusion detection system
- RTA-OS Real-time operating system
- MicroEdge™ TURNKEY SECURITY AGENT FOR IOT DEVICES. MicroEdge® is an Edge security solution that enables the deployment of IPsec tunnels facilitating secure communications with other Cloud endpoint instances.
- RTA-RTE Runtime environment for AUTOSAR compliant ECU SW.
- NEQTO Engine for Linux & RTOS NEQTO Engine is a turn-key solution to abstract the physical and network embedded layers for low-power and scalable IoT solutions
- RTA-FBL Flash bootloader for automotive ECUs
- RTA-LWHVR Lightweight Hypervisor
- Veridify Secure Boot / Secure Firmware Update SW library for secure boot and secure FW updates
- EB zentur HSM firmware stack plus Autosar compliant crypto interface
- XoverIoT Sigfox SW Stack and AT-commands Sigfox SW Stack and AT-commands
- S2C - Simply Sounds Clear Complete solution for Human-to-Human and Human-to-Machine communications
- CANopen Bootloader protocol stack The CANopen Bootloader stack provides a straightforward solution for firmware updates in CANopen devices.
- CANopen Master protocol stack The CANopen stack facilitates efficient management and oversight of CANopen devices within a network.
- Port CC-LinkIE Field Basic Slave Stack for Remote Slave Station implementation
- Port ModbusTCP ModbusTCP Stack for implementation
- CANopen Slave protocol stack The CANopen Slave stack, optimized for low-resource devices, provides full support for CANopen standards enabling integration into CANopen networks.
- J1939 protocol stack The J1939 protocol stack offers the complete functionality for integration of the SAE J1939 standard into devices.
- Veridify Automotive Security Secure boot endpoint authentication, data protect
- Veridify Ironwood Key Agreement Protocol Diffie-Hellman-like authentication protocol
- Tuxera Bootloaders Optimized high quality solutions bootloaders
- Port OPC-UA micro+nano Profile OPC-UA micro+nano stack for implementationd into embedded systems
- IEC 61850 Library Lightweight, highly configurable, platform agnostic, delivered as a compiled binary or as a source code IEC 61850 library for embedded devices
- CMX-Tiny+ Real Time OS with small footprint for STM32
- EMBETECH embeNET IPv6-based wireless mesh network stack with large-scale communication capabilities
- e8021X SDK IEEE 802.1X EAPOL, EAP, EAP-TLS mutual authentication, 802.1AE MACsec and RADIUS client
- CMX-RTX Real Time OS for STM32
- wolfSSH Open Source commercial grade embedded security SW
- wolfMQTT Open Source commercial grade embedded security SW
- wolfBoot wolfBoot is a portable secure bootloader solution that offers firmware authentication and firmware update mechanisms
- wolfCrypt Open Source FIPs validated embedded security SW
- Tuxera MQTT MQTT is a small and efficient machine-to-machine protocol
- Tuxera TLS Optimized software module designed to provide secure network communications
- Matrikon® FLEX (OPC UA SDK) OPC UA Software Development Kit
- curl/ Tiny curl curl is a computer software project providing a library for transferring data using various protocols
- wolfSSL JNI and JSSE Provider Java JSSE Provider and JNI wrapper
- wolfTPM Open Source commercial grade embedded security SW
- TO-Protect LoRaWAN SW lib. to provide high security to LoRaWAN nodes
- Tuxera USB Stack USB Host & Device and OTG stacks with wide range of class drivers for STM32
- SEGGER emMQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Protocol
- Avnet IoTConnect IoT Platform as a Service
- SEGGER emModbus Modbus Software
- Micro Digital smxWiFi 802.11 MAC stack
- SEGGER emFTP File Transfer Protocol Server for Embedded Systems
- SEGGER IoT Toolkit IoT Library Collection for Embedded Systems
- Tuxera MISRA TCP/IPv4 and IPv6 Embedded stack developed using a verifiable process and conforming strongly to MISRA coding standards
- Micro Digital GoFast IEEE 754 floating point library
- SEGGER emWeb The Embedded Web Server
- Prevas Simple Connect Secure communication between clients and devices
- Industrial Linux Embedded SW Fully customized Industrial Linux
- I-CUBE-UGOAL µGoal software expansion for STM32Cube
- KORE Microvisor Managed connectivity, security, and OTA firmware services
- Storyboard Embedded GUI Development Software to create optimized GUIs for MCUs and MPUs
- CycloneCRYPTO Cryptography Library for STM32 with crypto hardware acceleration
- ASN ECG PPG EMG Algorithm ECG signal enhancement library for STM32 processors
- ProvenCore A formally proven secure OS/TEE, certified for security at the highest level, deployed to support security critical applications
- ProvenCore-M High security operating system / ARM Cortex STM32
- IEC 60870-5-104 Library Library implementing communication between a control station and substation via TCP/IP network. Easy to integrate into various hardware platforms.
- ARCA Trusted OS for ARM A hardened Linux micro-distribution designed to only run containerized applications
- Vision AI Suite for Smart Cities & Spaces Transform urban living with PerCV.ai Smart Cities & Spaces Suite delivering cutting-edge Vision AI for smarter, safer, and more sustainable cities
- IEC 60870-5-103 Library Platform independent IEC 60870-5-103 library that enables interoperability between protection equipment and devices of a control system in a substation
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Monitor vehicles with our Vision AI-powered ANPR solution, delivering precise and reliable license plate recognition using STM32 MCUs
- DNP3 Library Lightweight DNP3 outstation and master library for embedded systems
- ICCP/TASE.2 Library ICCP/TASE.2. platform agnostic library for communication between control centers, utilities and power pools.
- Cesium RTOS Cs/OS2 Development of safety-critical applications
- SCIOPTA IPS IPS Internet Protocol stack (TCP/IP)
- I-CUBE-CANOPEN CANopen slave software expansion for STM32Cube
- Cesium RTOS Cs/OS3 Development of robust multi-task applications
- Cesium RTOS Cs/NET Network stack to create Internet-enabled products
- Cesium RTOS Cs/USBH Host side Implementation of the USB protocol
- Cesium RTOS Cs/FS FAT implementation for embedded system to manage files
- Amazon FreeRTOS Extends FreeRTOS kernel with open source libraries to easily and securely connect your MCUs to the cloud
- Cesium RTOS Cs/USBD Solution for data exchange with PC and USB hosts
- Klika Tech Embedded SW solution for MP1 Enables the MP1-DK2 to work as Gateway between BLE nodes and AWS Cloud via IP connectivity
- SCIOPTA Certified RTOS Message based real-time operating system with many built-in safety functions
- LoRaWAN® Protocol Stack for End Devices LoRaWAN® Protocol Stack for End Devices. This Stack is intended for industrial use in complex environments at maximum performance
- OMS® v4.5.1 Stack for End Devices The OMS® v4.5.1 Protocol Stack for End Devices is compliant to EN 13757-3/-4 (Wireless M-Bus) and OMS® Specification
- SCIOPTA SFFS Safe Flash File System
- CMX-CANopen CANopen Industrial Automation for STM32
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