On-demand Webinar: BLE vs. sub-1GHz Wireless - from Technology to Applications

Register here to watch our 1-hour webinar to review the main benefits of both and understand how our products and associated resources are answering to applications needs.

During this webinar we will present the two different technologies and their main Keys Performances Indicators : Bluetooth low energy and sub-1GHz and the advantages/disadvantages of each.


More and more objects in our day-to-day life are battery powered and transceive data. There are several options to send data from one point to another using wireless technologies, however it is not always easy to understand which one fits at best according well known KPIs such as power consumption, distance coverage, mobile phone integration and of course, cost.

An overview of the BlueNRG and Spirit families will be provided, explaining their main benefits, targeted applications (e.g. metering, asset tracking, wireless sensor node), and how to start designing your own application based on materials available on st.com.

This on-demand session covers the following:

  • Understand the main KPIs associated to BLE and sub-1GHz
  • Understand our BLE and sub-1Ghz performances
  • Review examples of application use cases


Daniel Derrien

With more than 20 years working on wireless communication systems, Daniel Derrien is the Director of connectivity application lab in France. This lab is in charge to promote and support STMicroelectronics solutions including BLE, Sub-1GHz, PLC, USB-C. Daniel is also actively contributing to the promotion of new solution such as BlueNRG-LP.

Dominique Follézour

With more than 15 years on wireless communication systems including 2G/3G cellular, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, Dominique Follezour is a valued member of ST´s wireless application team. His main focus is to support customers developing software applications based on the Bluetooth Low Energy technology.

Philippe Simonnet

Part of ST's wireless application team, Philippe Simonnet has worked for more than 20 years on wireless communication systems (2G/3G cellular, sub-1GHz transceivers, and LPWANs). Today, hi is focused on supporting ST sub-1Ghz solutions (S2-LP transceiver) in front of EMEA customers.